Communing with the dead

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Magnus magically transported us and all of Ragnor's belongings to his place. I was looking in a box of books and Magnus said "Hey princess, come here." I looked over at him, he was sitting on the couch with a photo album with him. I went over to him and sat next to him he wrapped an arm around me and opened the album it was pictures of Ragnor. I saw one of Magnus, Ragnor, and Camille. I said "Did you love her?" he said "Once upon a time I did." Behind us we heard "How I loathe that photograph. I must remember, chin down, eyes up. Otherwise, I look like a squinty toad." I giggled as we turned behind to see a smokey version of Ragnor behind us Magnus said "You're here." 

Ragnor said "You didn't think you'd be rid of me that easily, did you? Oh, my dear friend, I will always be here for you. Now, please, put away that horrid photograph. It commemorates a night I'd rather forget. Oh, how I had to comfort you." Magnus said "How I loved her. I prayed she would love me the same, but she just laughed. To Camille, immortals aren't supposed to feel true love. She was so cynical. Camille broke my heart." I said "Immortality doesn't sound great if you aren't with someone you love." Magnus looked down at me and said "its not." Ragnor said "You let her break your heart, my friend. You're immortal, but she killed you. Tessa seems to be bringing you back to life." I rested my hands on my stomach as he said Life and said "Me? What's so special about me?" Ragnor disappeared and Magnus rested his hand on mine making me move mine so his was on my stomach and rested mine on his hands.

He said "You are special Princess. You are sweet, protective, outgoing, passionate, fierce, loving. I told you before you awakened something in me." I said "Is that why you've always called me Princess?" he said "I call you Princess because to me that is what you are, You are a princess that deserves the world, not a man who marry's someone else. that and you never told me I couldn't." I said "That's because I like when you call me Princess, as for Alec... he is kind of in the past, I say kind of because he still has a right to know the baby if he wants to." Magnus smiled at me and pulled me into his lap then said "Speaking of the baby, what are your feelings about it?" I said "Now this is a convo I've been dying to have. Ok so I am exited to be a mom, its just... I'm barely 18 and honestly growing up I always thought I would get married to my soulmate before having kids. I grew up without a dad and I never wanted my child to grow up in a broken home like that." 

Magnus said "Well, there is no going back now, so do you want a girl or a boy?" I said "Honestly, Growing I always wanted a little boy but now I want a little girl. I mean how cute would a little mini me look?" Magnus said "She would be adorable." he materialized a cocktail for him and some tea for me. I said "Tea is nice but how about some food?" he said "What would you like?" I thought for a minute then said "How about fajitas?" he snapped his fingers and food appeared, I slid backwards off his lap leaving just my legs on him and took he plate he handed me. I said "Thank you for the food." he said "Always welcome." he picked up an instrument and I said "Whats that?" he played a few notes and said "It's a Charango." Ragnor appeared and said "I wouldn't describe that as an instrument of music. An instrument of torture, perhaps."

I giggled as Magnus said "Oh, you never liked the charango." Ragnor said "No, I did not. And I pray you don't play it. Death has already given me enough of a headache." I said "Wait a second, if you don't like it, why did you own it?" Ragnor said "I don't know Tessa, I really just... I don't know." Magnus said "Do you remember Imasu? He played this so beautifully." Ragnor said "I'm surprised that lasted as long as it did. He was always so much better looking than you. I don't understand why you didn't go after the boy. I'm certain, with very little effort, you could have won him back." I said "Someone with greater looks than Magnus? Not possible." Magnus said "So are you saying I'm more attractive than Alec?" I said "Oh without a doubt, I mean Alec is hot but your sexy, uh mysterious, fine as hell... I mean I could go on but it might give you a big ego." Ragnor said "Too late there girly." 

Magnus smirked at me and said "Well I will keep those in mind, as for Imasu. Well he wanted more than I can give. I used to think Camille was right. That I am immortal. That I can party and have fun to my heart's content without the anchors of love around my feet." Ragnor said "You are not Camille. And though I know you won't believe me, someone came along, and tore down those walls you've built around your heart. And that love will always come back to you, you must do everything in your power to fight for it." Magnus said "You are right, Even in death, you give the best advice." Ragnor said "Be nice if you took it more than once every 300 years." Ragnor disappeared before Magnus could retort. I said "So do you know who this great love is? Are they amazing and worth all your kind heart? Are they everything you've always dreamed of?" 

He picked me up bridal style and said "Yes she is, she is 100% worthy of more than me, I just hope one day she will settle for me. She has been in my dreams since the moment I met her." I said "Then she is one lucky girl." he took me to a bed room and set me down, I said "You know you didn't have to carry me." he said "But I wanted to." I said "What time is it?" he said "Midnight." he snapped his fingers and a suitcase full of clothes appeared on the bed. I went over and looked inside, they were cute and in my size so I found a pair of silk jammies and said "And the shower is?" He pointed to a door and I smiled at him before heading off to take a shower. After my shower I was dressed in this.

I came out as I said "I have never worn one of these, is it supposed to be this tight?" I didn't get an answer so I looked up to go and find him

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I came out as I said "I have never worn one of these, is it supposed to be this tight?" I didn't get an answer so I looked up to go and find him. It didn't take long he was standing in front of me, changed into pajama pants, bare chested, unmoving, just staring at me. I said "Magnus? Hey uh Magnus? You ok?" I waved my hand in front of his face he snapped out of whatever daze he was in and shook his head. I said "Hey, you ok?" he said "Yes, uh sorry what was your question?" I said "Are you sure your ok?" he said "Yes I promise, I was just shocked." I said "About?" He said "Your beauty in that nightgown is what shocked me." I said "Oh does it look ok? I don't even know if you know how these are supposed to look but my original question was is it supposed to be this tight or is it too small. I have never wore one of these. It is very soft and feels good on my skin though." he said "Oh yes, it looks amazing on you, it is definitely supposed to be that tight. You look really beautiful my Princess." 

I said "Thank you Magnus, in the shower I was thinking the one bad thing about pregnancy is in a few months I am gonna get fat and ugly." I laid on the bed, pulling the covers over me. He sat next to me on the bed and laid his hand on my stomach then said "You could never be ugly, and so yes you will gain some weight but if you didn't the baby wouldn't survive. Tessa it won't make you less beautiful, it will make you even more beautiful. Think about it, in 9 months you will bring a new life into the world." he rubbed my stomach and said "So no more talking about how you'll be fat or ugly, because you will always be beautiful... at least in my eyes." then he did the unexpected, he kissed my stomach. I said "Magnus, can we just not play games and you just straight up tell me how you feel about me?" 

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