City of Bones

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Alec and I walked to an office and he sat in the chair so I sat on the desk. I said "when we first got here you kept only mentioning one of us... Kept saying she or her... Why?" He said "your ring, it's a Shadowhunter family, only passed down to those in the family. That told me that even though you didn't know... you are a Shadowhunter, I didn't know you were twins as you both look so different. Plus your father's family was well loved so much so that your dad's mom is the inquisitor" I said "inquisitor?" he said "the head of the Shadowhunter legal system, she gives out punishments and appoints people to run institutes. If I remember correctly when your father was little they ran the London one so he was born and raised in London." 

I said "so I have a grandmother that doesn't know I exist and she is in charge of all of us?" he said "I don't know if she knows about you, but we are calling the clave so you'll meet her now" He grabbed my hand and brought me to sit on the arm of his chair as the screen lit up and I saw 2 people pop up on screen Alec said "Inquisitor Imogen, Consul Malachi, we have both Tessalyn and Clarissa Fray he in the institute" The girl said "and which one is this?" I said "I'm Tessalyn Arabella" she gasped and said "what are you playing with?" I took it off to show her in the camera before placing it back on and said "my mom said it was my dads, but he died when I was a baby so, I don't know him." 

She took off a ring and showed me the exact same ring I have, she said "its a family Heirloom, who is your father?" I said "his name is James Herondale, my mom said he died in war and he was on the good guys side which makes him a hero. Im glad that even though I didn't know him, that he was fighting for good" She said "yes James was a good man, he was my son" I said "yeah Alec was telling me so" she said "so how old are you and Clarissa?" I said "18" she looked shocked and said "twins?" I smiled and said "but with different fathers" 

Alec put his hand on my thigh to get my attention and said "I'm sorry what?" I said "Alec, I was conceived three days after Clary was" he said "thats a thing?" I said "yes studies estimate that one in 400 set of twins in the US are born with different fathers" Malachi said "um guys back tot he problem please, you can catch up with your granddaughter later Imogen" She said "oh yes of course. Alec neither girl is to leave the institute understand" I said "Clary isn't gonna like that, our mom is kidnapped" Malachi said "yes well we are gonna send scouts to look for Valentine" 

They hung up and Alec tapped my thigh and said "lets go inform the troops" I got up and followed Alec as he opened the door so I could go out, he followed me closing the door. We made it to where everyone else is, I heard Izzy say "$50 says he doesn't approve of this mission" I giggled as Alec said "I do not approve of this mission, I talked to the clave and Tessa and the little girl does not leave this institute. They sent a seelie scout to look for Valentine." Clary said "Hey, my name is not "little girl", okay? I don't care what that Clave thing or you want, Tessa and I are going to find Dot." Alec said "you are not taking Tessa and getting her killed" Jace said "Alec, this warlock could have the answers we need. With Valentine's people out there searching for Clary, she's not safe outside alone." 

Izzy crossed her arms and said "Jace has a point" Alec said "Et tu, Izzy? All right, since you have all the answers, where do you suggest we search?" I nudged him and he looked down at me before rubbing my arm, Clary said "We should start at Dot's apartment in Greenpoint, and there's this thrift store that she..." She froze then said "weirdly... I think I know where Dot" Simon said "Great. I'll drive. What? Unless you have, like, a Shadowhunter-mobile or something. You were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me... right?" Jace said "possibly" 

We were walking toward the club when Clary froze clutching her necklace and said "Dot! Dot!" then she ran off and we sighed but followed her. Jace said "Clary! Clary, stop! Where are you going?" Clary yelled "Two men, Circle members... the same ones who came to my house, who took my mom. They have Dot. They're gonna hurt her or kill her. We have to stop them!" We continued to run but by the time we got to the club it was empty.

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