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The next day we were getting ready with Izzy for her trial, I was dressed in this.

The next day we were getting ready with Izzy for her trial, I was dressed in this

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Alec said "All I know is, we gotta get you out of here. All right, who do we know in Idris?" Izzy said "The only people who care are Mom and Dad. But they're under suspicion themselves." Alec said "What about Lydia?" Izzy and I stared at him "Lydia?" Alec said "Yeah." I said "Why do you keep going there?" Izzy said "She is prosecuting me. You said she had no choice." Alec said "She doesn't." I said "Everyone has a choice, Alec." Izzy said "I made mine. Let me just get through this without losing my self-respect." Alec said "Tessa you don't get to talk about choices, you just got done telling me that you might be pregnant and that after my wedding your leaving for LA. Izzy look, I know you don't wanna believe this, but Lydia said she would help if we can give her a way to do it. Maybe I can get her to delay the trial." Izzy said "Why? So I can sit here, playing computer solitaire, while they find something else to blame me for? I'm just a scapegoat to the Clave. They want the Cup." Alec said "So let me buy some time to find it. Hey, Jace and Clary..." 

Izzy said "Disappeared through a door to God knows where. You said they're lost forever. And so is the Cup." I said "I love how no one asked me where my own sister is." they turned on me and Alec said "You know where they are?" I said "Yeah, they both have kept me updated via text." Izzy said "Where are they?" I said "That door to god knows where, is a dimensional portal, they went to the dimension that the shard came from to find the standing portal to use it." Izzy said "Use it for what?" I said "According Meliorn the portal can travel you to a person rather than a place you've been, so they go through it thinking of Valentine and will go right to him. They haven't messaged since Jace told me he had to go in to find Clary, a demon went in and its not a shadowhunter world, there are no demons either so he had to go in and help her. Cell service isn't inter-dimensional so we have to wait till they come top side, they want to kill Valentine and get our mom back. They don't know about You Iz because they have more pressing matters to worry about. We can handle saving you." Alec said "Izzy, listen. I'm your big brother. Please, let me help you for once."

Izzy sighed and Alec said "Tessa come on, and please don't piss Lydia off." I rolled my eyes and followed him, we met up with Lydia and walked down a hall with her as she said "The message said, "Have everything ready. The trial will begin immediately." She's on her way." I said "Who?" Lydia looked at me and said The inquisitor." I said "Oh dear, well this should be fun." Alec said "Tessa everything will be ok,  but that doesn't make any sense. Why rush this? We both know that Clary and Jace are still out there." we all stopped walking and Lydia said "Clary and Jace aren't on trial for high treason." Alec said "Oh, come on. We both know there's nothing solid to pin on Isabelle. If we just delay this for a couple of weeks, it..." the doors open and Imogen, guards, and a silent brother with the soul sword marched in. Imogen looked around then trend to the three of us 

Imogen said "Guards, at ease. Excuse us." Alec and I turned to leave but as I took a step Imogen said "Not you Tessalyn." I froze and turned around. Alec left and Imogen said "I understand you've cooked up some kind of a marriage with... I can't imagine what's in your mind. especially hurting my granddaughter like that." Lydia glanced at me and said "I swear I didn't know he was involved, or I wouldn't have said yes when he asked. It's a suitable marriage for both of us." she looked at me and I said "I don't know who knew what." Imogen said "Well, I won't dispute that right now. As long as it doesn't interfere with your case against his sister." Lydia said "You have my assurance." Imogen said "I need your word, Branwell, not flaccid reassurance. What we are seeing is the same pattern Valentine showed before the Uprising. Bending of the Law, wanton defiance of Clave order."

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