Information on Mom

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I got a text from Clary that said ~Sis meet at Magnus' loft he is gonna tell us about mom~ So without anyone knowing I left tot he loft, Once I got there Magnus said "Hello Princes." I said "Hello." I sat on the table Luke was laying on and held his hand as Clary said "Tell us what? What's so important that Luke risked his life?" I said "Hold on before story time I just want to say thank you Clary for talking to Alec, he admitted he loves me and he wants to be with me." She smiled and hugged me as Magnus said "Im happy for you my dear, as for what's important. "Everything Jocelyn hoped to hide from you." Magnus made two sketchbooks appear. Clary said "Why?" he said "When you were younger, I'd watch you sketching. It was your bliss. You're gonna need some bliss now." I said "Back then, there wasn't a day we didn't draw. It was like breathing." Clary said "Now, I look at this blank page and I barely even know what to do. Sometimes I feel like my art, my memories... my life, it... it all vanished with that Memory Demon."

Magnus said "Your art, everything you are... they're all still here. You're the woman your mother always knew you could be." I said "But tried to keep us from being." he said "That's why you need to know how you got here." she said "Will it help us find our mother?" he said "That's the only reason I can think of why Luke would be so adamant." I criss-crossed my legs and grabbed the boo and pens Clary was handing me. We began to draw Clary said "We're ready. Bring it, warlock." he said "When I first heard about your father, around the time he and Jocelyn first got together, long before the Uprising and the Circle, Valentine elevated the Morgenstern name to be synonymous with virtue. And your mother was at his side. But by the time my people came to know him, barely two years later... his name had become synonymous with devastation. Your mother told me it was then she first saw the signs."


Jocelyn said "Val... Are you hurt? Talk to me. Whose blood is this?" Valentine said "Warlocks." Jocelyn said "They attacked you? Where? When?... You've broken the Accords." Valentine sat down on the park bench. Jocelyn said "I'll talk to my father. He knows the Law better than anyone. Sometimes it isn't clear who instigated the fight." Valentine said "The Accords are a fallacy. Everything about them, down to the blasphemous magic that binds us all to their stupidity." Jocelyn tried to reason with him "The Accords guarantee peace." Valentine said "We are Shadowhunters. We don't make peace with demons." Jocelyn said "Downworlders are half human." "And half demon! Shadowhunters kill demons. I'm fulfilling our destiny." Valentine exclaimed


Magnus said "They never found all the bodies. We'd all stood with the Clave for centuries." Clary said "How could that not matter to him?" Magnus said "He was obsessed with ensuring purity of blood. Convinced that the impurities were a threat to peace." I said "He was the threat to peace." he said "Mad men rarely make sense. Mostly, they just hate. And he hated the Downworlders, for the gifts that we posses that he could not have. He hated us enough to kill us all." Clary said "Ever since our mother was kidnapped, and the Shadow World invaded our life, so many Downworlders have helped us, not even thinking about what it might cost them. How could Valentine not see any good in any of them?" he said "He was blinded by his ambition." I said "Why didn't the Clave stop him?"

He said "He was clever. He and his followers, they managed to convince the Clave that the Downworlders they killed on their special missions had violated the Accords in some way. Complete fabrications." she said "How could the Clave not see?" he said "Shadowhunters believe in the law as absolute. They could never conceive of one of their own going astray." she grumbled "My father didn't go astray, Magnus. He went insane." he said "What happened back then is happening again. The Clave refuses to believe that Valentine's a threat. Nineteen years ago, their lack of vision allowed the Circle to almost decimate the entire Shadow World." I said "That was the Uprising? The one my dad died in?" he said "Yes. Valentine wanted to create a new Shadowhunter army. Tessa your father was against it so in Valentine's beliefs he didn't deserve to live. Clary said "How could our mom and Luke be a part of something like this?"

Magnus said "Jocelyn and Luke tried to prevent the Uprising. They tried to change Valentine's mind about Downworlders." I said "Obviously, they didn't." he said "Girls, if it wasn't for your mother and Luke, the Circle would have won." she said "Ever since I found out Valentine was my father, I wondered how our mother could be married to someone like that... and why she stayed. She had to stop him." he said "And safeguard the Cup. Everything Jocelyn did, she did to save the people she'd sworn to protect. She took her oath as a Shadowhunter seriously." I said "We understand, but how does that help us find the Cup?"  he said "Maybe Luke thinks if you know your mother better, you'll know where she hid it." She said "Then, tell us why she gave up being a Shadowhunter." he stared at us and said "Because the one thing in the world she loved more is you girls. She had to protect you."

Clary said "From my father, the lunatic." Luke grunted and Clary and I said in unison "Luke. Luke?" Magnus said "The magic's wearing off." Luke grunted out "It was our fault. It was our fault!" I said "Luke!" Clary said "It's worse." Magnus started to use magic  Clary pulled me off the table as Magnus said "I'm running out of magic." Clary said "What do we do?" He said "I can't leave him, but the potion stock still needs Komodo scale. Find it, add the rest when they get here. You'll have to feed it to Luke. Tessa give me your hand." she said "What about you?" he said "I'll hold on as long as I can. Go!" Clary ran out but Magnus almost fainted but Alec ran in and held him up Magnus said "Help me. I need your strength." Alec said "Take what you need." Magnus took Alec's hand so he was holding both of our hands.

Jace and Simon said "Clary!" she said "Do you have it?" Jace said "Yeah." Clary said "Thanks." and finished the potion she gave it to Luke who woke up and Magnus fell against Alec as he was exhausted. Luke said "Hey... Clary. Princess." Alec looked at Magnus and said "You okay?" Magnus said "Yeah." He sat Magnus on the couch and then pulled me against his chest and gave me a quick kiss. He whispered to me "Come on, we got to talk." I nodded and moved out of his arms and took his hand lacing our fingers together. I hugged Luke and kissed his cheek before letting Alec pull me to the door. Clary said "Alec, wait. If you hadn't gotten here in time, I... I'm just... I'm glad you and Jace are okay now." Alec glanced at me then said "I didn't do this for Jace." Clary smiled and said "Then I'm glad you did it for Tess, I'm glad you two are together, I know you'll take care of her." Jace came in and shook Alec's hand before hugging him and saying "Thank you." Alec nodded and pulled me to a room. 

I said "Whats going on?" he said "We now have to fight my parents." I said "What do you mean?" I crossed my arms, he sat on the bed and pulled me to straddle his lap laying his hands on my hips and said "They are trying to force me in an arranged marriage." my jaw dropped I said "With who?!?" he sighed and said "I don't know." I said "Why?" he said "To fix the Lightwood name." I got up and paced, I said "What did you say?" he said "Nothing they hav-" I cut him off by picking up a book and throwing it at the wall as hard as I could. "You said nothing?" he said "Not yet, they haven't actually told me about this, mom told Izzy and she warned me." 

The door opened and Clary said "Is everything ok in here?" I said "Nothing we cant handle, what's up sis?" she said "Luke wants to talk to me but I heard a noise and wanted to check on you first." I said "I'm ok, I promise. Im gonna help Magnus clean up." I walked to the door before turning back to Alec and said "You better fight this Alec, this isn't fair to either of us." he came to me and kissed me then said "I will, we will get through this, I'll help you clean." Clary went to talk to Luke while Alec and I went to the living room and started to clean up Luke's blood. Magnus was making cocktails and said "You know I have magic for that, right?" Alec said "I think you've exerted yourself enough for one day." Magnus said "Drink break?" and handed us each a cocktail. 

Magnus said "To us." we clinked out glasses and took a sip, Alec sat down pulling me onto his lap and said "Why did you ask for me... when Jace, Tessa, and Clary were both here?" Magnus said "Hmm, Jace didn't tell you? It doesn't matter. It was a lie anyway." Alec said "Are warlocks always this cryptic?" Magnus chuckled and said "I'm not being cryptic. I'm being coy. Let me spell it out for you. I wanted to see you both again." Alec said "Why?" Magnus said "Why'd you come?" Alec said "I couldn't find Tessa, thought maybe she was here." Magnus said "For almost a century... I've closed myself off to feeling anything for anyone. Man or woman. You've both unlocked something in me. I want to live vicariously through your relationship." I said "Well it might be a short trip." 

Alec's phone rang so he answered "Hey. Hi, Mother. Of course." he hung up and said "Duty calls." I rolled my eyes "Great." Magnus said "Ah... Oh, the furrowed brow. Maryse must be recruiting you for something... unseemly." Alec said "Oh, listen, Magnus, you may not want to live vicariously through us, but I mean you can if you want to." Alec pushed me to my feet and then grabbed my hand and led me back to the institute. 

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