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Izzy dragged me to the training room where Alec was training, I sat down and wrapped my hand around my stomach, I really wasn't feeling well but I was trying not to show it. Izzy started to pace and said "He calls Meliorn in and arrests him, then acts like it's all out of her hands. You're gonna hurt yourself." Alec said "I'm fine, Izzy. It was the Clave that gave the order, not Lydia." I said "Are you sure about that?" Jace walked up and pulled me to my feet before looking at Alec saying "Hey. You all right?" Alec said "I'm fine." Jace said "I just spoke to Robert and Maryse. They're being sent back to Idris." Izzy said "What?" Jace said "Yeah." Izzy said "Another "order" from Lydia?" Jace said "Who's Lydia?" I said "Someone you don't want to meet." Izzy said "She's in charge of the Institute." Jace said "She's what?" Alec said "Temporarily." 

Izzy said "And now she's convinced the Clave that Mom and Dad aren't doing their job?" Alec said "Maybe they aren't. The Institute was under their control when the Forsaken got in." Jace said "What are you talking about?" Alec said "Mom and Dad were members of the Circle." Izzy said "What? They don't have Circle runes." Alec said "That's because they made a deal with the Clave prior to the Uprising. In exchange for their cooperation, they were pardoned." Izzy said "You're questioning their loyalty?" Alec said "Valentine is back. The Circle is rising. They're under suspicion." Jace said "No way. Robert and Maryse took me in. They raised me as one of their own. I know what kind of people they are." Alec said "Are you sure? They lied to us. For years, they've been telling us how to act. That we have to uphold the Lightwood name. Well, they're the ones who tarnished it. They're hypocrites." 

I saw Lydia walk up and muttered "Speak of the devil." Lydia said "You must be Jace Wayland. Lydia Brandwell. You're quite the legend back in Idris." Jace said "Don't believe everything you hear." Lydia said "Did you tell them?" I said "Tell us what?" What he said ripped out my heart and tore it to shreds he said "Lydia and I are engaged." Lydia said "We're getting married." I covered my stomach with my hands and slowly backed toward the entrance as I felt like I was gonna puke from heartbreak. Jace said "You're not serious." Tears were streaming down my face and Izzy said "You were supposed to tell them "no". Or at least told your girlfriend you were dumping her. It's your life to ruin." Alec said "Izzy. Tessa." I shook my head and ran to my room with Izzy hot on my tail. 

I got to my room and climbed on the bed, Izzy closed the door and crawled up with me and hugged me. I just cried and she just held me. Eventually someone knocked on the door and Izzy opened it, she said "Jace you can come in, What do you want Alec?" He said "That is between Tessa and I." Jace sat next to me and rubbed my back Jace said "You gonna be ok?" I said "I'd be better if I hadn't given him my virginity like a love sick dumbass." Jace said "Wait you two...?" I said "Yeah when we got back here after healing Luke, he didn't even talk to me about it, he literally kissed me hours ago and now he is in engaged." Izzy said "Alec said they are interrogating Meliorn, do you want to come? Do you want me to stay with you?" I said "Let me get cleaned up and I'll come with you." Jace said "You sure? Alec will be there." I said "Yep and you two will be in-between him and I." Jace left the room and I washed my face and reapplied my makeup then dressed in this.

" Jace left the room and I washed my face and reapplied my makeup then dressed in this

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I said "Do I look like I was crying?" She said "Nope your good." I said "Great, Hey here's a good thought, maybe a demon will put me out of my misery." she said "Yeah not the spirit I was looking for, come on." We walked with Jace and Alec to the monitor to watch the interrogation. Izzy said "This is insane. We have to put a stop to this." Alec said "Yeah, well, enjoy Portaling back to Idris with Mom and Dad." Izzy said "Meliorn is here because of me." Jace said "Alec's right. There's nothing we can do to stop this interrogation."Izzy and I said "You're on Alec's side now?" Alec said "We swore to protect each other, of course he's on my side." Jace said "I'm not picking sides. Jace Wayland is Switzerland. We have got to find Valentine. Let's let this play out, Izzy. Meliorn might have some important information." 

I turned my attention to the screen as Lydia said "Forensics don't lie. Tell me what you know about the blood in the Forsaken." Meliorn said "Have you considered that the blood in the Forsaken came from our dead scouts? Scouts sent to help you hunt for Valentine. Why do you think we would side with a murderer?" Lydia said "Seelies always play both sides." Meliorn said "You should talk to your own people about playing sides." Lydia said "Excuse me?" Meliorn said "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? If only Shadowhunters had a better relationship with us, Downworlders, you'd know that Valentine's daughter has the Cup." I said "Great, is she gonna take my sister from me too?" Izzy said "Still think we should let this play out?" 

Izzy pulled me over to a chair and started to do something on a tablet while Alec and Jace went with Lydia and her group to search my sister's room, before Jace left I grabbed his arm and said "Jace promise you will do everything you can to not let that woman take my sister from me, memos is gone, I never knew my dad, Luke is doing god knows what, the man I love is engaged to someone else, I cant lose her too. You, Izzy, and Clary are all I got I can't lose anyone else right now, please Jace." Jace said "Tessa, I promise you I will protect her." I nodded and let him go. He kissed my head and I curled back on the chair with Izzy and watched her mess with the tablet. After awhile we saw them moving Meliorn, we stood up and Izzy said "Where are you taking him?" Lydia said "To a holding cell. And a guard unit will transport him to the Silent Brothers." Izzy said "You can't do that!" Izzy looked at me as Alec said "It's not our decision, Isabelle. The Clave made the order." I said "No of course not its never your decision Alec." Alec said "Now hold on Tessa you haven't even let me explain myself." 

Jace said "That could be a death sentence to a Downworlder." Izzy said "Are you trying to start a war with them? Meliorn's told you everything he knows." Lydia said "You don't know that. Maybe we haven't asked the right questions. Seelies often skirt the truth. If he has information on another terrorist attack, it is our responsibility to get it. As for you Tessa what do you have against Alec and I?" Izzy said "Let me talk to him." Lydia said "That wasn't exactly helpful in the past." Jace said "But he may not know anything. Alec, this is going too far." Alec said "We don't have a choice." Lydia said "Tessa seriously what do you have against us getting married?" Alec said "Tessa don't." I said "No Alec, she wants to know what you both did, then she has the right to know. Lydia my problem is he didn't have the balls to breakup with me before getting engaged to you. We were happy until you showed up, thats my problem with you." I walked away, Jace and Izzy followed me. 

We met up with Magnus and basically explained that we wanted him to steal Alec's stele because we needed it to get the cup. Magnus said "Let me get this straight. You need Alec's stele to open the safe, and you want me to steal it from him?" Jace said "We prefer the word borrow." Izzy said "Without his knowledge." Magnus said "No. No can do. Not happening." Jace said "Magnus, ever since Alec found out our parents were in the Circle, he's been messed up. He can't see the big picture." Izzy said "If the Clave is willing to subject Meliorn to the Silent Brothers, if they're willing to go this far, what do you think will happen if they get the Cup? This affects everyone." I said "Help us get into that safe. Help us stop this, I'd do it but..." Magnus sighed "You're both going to owe me. I'm talking 14th century. Gold, rubies... definitely diamonds. And Alec can never know and I can't make the heartbroken girl owe me." Jace said "That's a given." Magnus said "If we're going to do this, there's no turning back."

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