Magnus Bane

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I woke up and dressed in this.

Then I walked to Alec's room and knocked on it, he opened in shirtless and I forgot was I was doing for a second, his abs man his abs

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Then I walked to Alec's room and knocked on it, he opened in shirtless and I forgot was I was doing for a second, his abs man his abs. He chuckled which got my attention, I blushed and said "I'm sorry, you uh- you wanted to talk?" he smiled and nodded then opened his door more so I could come in. I went in and he followed taking a seat on the edge of his bed and said "so the kiss?" I sighed and paced while I said "what do you want me to tell you? That I didn't want to kiss you? That you aren't fine as hell? That I didn't love the way you held me against the wall? That I didn't want your hands on my body? Or maybe that it was a mistake? I can't do that Alec because then I would be lying to not only you but also myself, but I can apologize again if need be" 

He grabbed my hips pulling me to him and said "I don't want you to apologize, I wanted to know how you felt about it. Now I know, so... you like being pushed against a wall?" he smirked at me and I blushed covering my face with my hands and said "only by you" he took one hand off my hip to pull my hands from my face and smirked pulling me to straddle his lap while leaning toward me. We were so close too, I could feel his breath but then a knock sounded on his door and he pulled away. he looked at me apologetically and I groaned and flopped over onto his bed while he laughed and shook his head before standing to answer the door. 

Izzy saw me and said "did I interrupt something?" Alec said "what do you want Izzy?" she said "oh right, we have to have a meeting with Hodge, Jace, and Clary" he nodded and said "we'll be right there, I need a shirt" she winked at me before scurrying off. Alec shut the door, put a shirt on, and then came over to me still laying on the bed, he held his hands out for me. I sighed and grabbed his hands letting him pull me to my feet. He opened his door and I walked out, we walked down the hall and met up with Izzy. I linked arms with her and said "you have the worst timing ever" 

He had fallen behind to let us talk but I know he can damn well hear me as he could grab me if he wanted to. She said "what happened?" I looked pointedly at her and said "nothing, nothing happened, so close. He was this close to kissing me and then you ruined it" I used my thumb and pointer finger to show her how close. He chuckled and I stuck my tongue out at him, we went into the room and I sat on the arm of a chair, Izzy sat in the next chair, Alec however sat in the seat of the chair I was on. 

Hodge said "Magnus Bane. He's over 300 years old. And, as you can see, he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century. His tastes are both exquisite... and quite excessive." Clary and I said in unison "He looks like the Downworld's David Guetta." Izzy said "Guetta's already a Downworlder. Vampire? Ever seen him in the daylight?" Alec sighed and said "Can you three focus? This is not a joke." Izzy said "Someone needs to gets laid." I said "oh I wonder who would interrupt?" Izzy and Alec chuckled at my saltiness. Hodge said "Alec's right. Now, Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known. He has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunters."

Clary said "Well, then why did he help our mom remove our memories? Isn't she a Shadowhunter?" Hodge said "Yes, one of the best. But "help" might not be the most accurate word. Now, did Magnus provide a service for Jocelyn? Perhaps. But more than likely, your mother paid Magnus handsomely for his magic." Jace said "Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything." Alec said "Word from the Clave is that most of the warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine began hunting them." 

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