Izzy's trial

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We walked in and Imogen said "The trial is about to begin, Tessalyn come have a seat." I sat down and Magnus walked up to the silent brother who offered him the sword. Magnus said "Will I survive if I touch it?" Imogen nodded and said "If you tell the truth." he grabbed it and a silent brother said "By the power of this sword, do you swear to defend your client with integrity and honesty?" Magnus said "No argument from me on that." the sword was taken and Imogen said "Make your case, warlock." Magnus said "My case is simple. It is true that Isabelle Lightwood acted against the orders of the Clave by trying to free the Seelie, Meliorn. But she did not act against the interests of the Clave. Preventing the forced questioning and possible death of a Seelie may have saved the Accords." Imogen said "We're not here to speculate what might have happened if the defendant hadn't interfered." Magnus said "You mean what might have happened if she hadn't stopped the Silent Brothers from torturing a Seelie?"

Imogen said "I await a valid argument. Do you have one?" Magnus said "What you really want is the Mortal Cup. My client doesn't have it. Since this whole proceeding isn't about what it's really about, I move to have this case dismissed." I smirked and Imogen said "You're out of order." Magnus fought back "No. This whole thing is out of order. It's not Isabelle's fault. It's the Cup! Put the Cup on trial!"  all I could think is they'd have to find it first. Izzy was moved to the stand so Lydia could question her. Lydia said "You have led us to believe that you alone carried out this operation. But Clary Fairchild was seen near the City of Bones that night." Izzy said "Maybe she was out for a walk." Lydia said "And you expect us to believe that you distracted the guards, and escaped with the prisoner on your own?" Izzy said "Pretty slick, right?" Imogen said "I suggest you think about how slick it would be when Valentine uses the Mortal Cup to raise an army of rogue Shadowhunters."

Izzy said "I don't want Valentine to succeed." Imogen said "Well, that's the first sane thing I've heard from you." Izzy said "You know what's insane? Thinking we have the right to treat a Downworlder's life as worthless." Lydia said "Isabelle, I should warn you that everything you say here will be considered in the verdict." she stood up and said "Good. Consider this. Valentine didn't come out of nowhere. We use our angel blood to justify everything we do, just like him. Like him, we forget that we are not only angels. We are part mundane. We can be afraid. And fear makes us cruel. And we turn our fear to Downworlders just as Valentine did. And just as he did, we will end up turning on each other." Imogen said "You think we're doing that to you?" Izzy said "You have to answer that for yourself, Madam Inquisitor." 

Magnus stood up and said "I'd like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand." Imogen said "I don't see the relevance." Magnus said "Well, that makes two of us. I don't see the relevance of this whole trial. Ms. Branwell? If you'll take the stand?" she went to the stand and Magnus said "I just have one question. Why are you prosecuting this case?" Imogen said "Answer the question, Counselor." Lydia said "Because the Law is hard, but it is the Law. But that doesn't make it right. We're trying someone for being compassionate, thinking for herself. She saved a life that was being sacrificed for nothing." Imogen said "That will be enough, Branwell." Lydia said "No, it isn't. I'm looking out at the faces here. A brother and sister who disagree on everything except for how much they love one another, and how loyal they are to each other. A girl who puts all her emotions aside to help her best friend. A man who took this case pretending to want payment in rare objects, but who really believes that injustice towards his friends is intolerable. Loyalty, decency, compassion, love. These are the concepts that we should consider to decide guilt or innocence in a case like this."

Imogen said "Those are not the concepts of the Law. Now, enough of this nonsense." Lydia said "I agree. The case is nonsense. I withdraw the charges." everyone clapped and Magnus and Izzy hug, then she pulled Alec and I into a hug. Imogen banged the gavel and yelled "Silence! Order! Silence!" everyone looked at her, Imogen said "If you think refusing to prosecute exculpates the defendant, you are wrong. She is guilty. The defense was correct. The Clave wants the Mortal Cup. If it is returned within 24 hours, this ruling will be vacated. If not, Isabelle Lightwood will be stripped of her runes and exiled from the society of the Shadowhunters forever." she banged the gavel and I went to say something but Magnus locked his arms around me like a cage and Alec covered my mouth and whispered "Don't do anything stupid." 

Magnus dragged me to the library with Izzy following, I threw a book at a wall and Magnus watched my temper tantrum. I threw a lot of things at the wall, Izzy said "Does she realize I was the one on trial?" Magnus said "You got to see her side of things, she is falling apart, her sister is on the run, she never knew her dad, her mom is still missing, dot was killed, her boyfriend left her for another woman, she is pregnant, and her best friend is gonna be exiled. Speaking of I'm sorry we lost the case." Izzy said "Yeah. But at least we lost it with style. Wait how do you know?" I fell to the floor in my pile of destruction. Izzy hugged me and said "It will be ok, you will be ok." Magnus said "Warlocks can tell, it's called magic dear." that made me cry. 

Alec was let in as I stopped crying Alec said "What happened here?" Magnus said "Tornado Tessa." Alec said "Jace and Clary are back. They gave the Cup to Lydia. You're free to go. Uh Tessa your mom is here but she isn't awake." Izzy said "You were right, they came back. You knew!" he said "Oh, I didn't actually." Magnus said "Tessa you will be amazing, just like your mom was in raising you and Clary, Remember I've got your back and so does Izzy. I love you Princess. Well, my work is done here. Walk me out, will you? We have some business to settle." Izzy said "Go. I'll be fine." Izzy and I went to see my mom, Clary and Jace were there. Clary hugged me and said "Whats wrong?" I said "That's a big question." I grabbed my mom's hand and Clary said "Oh so we found out something." I said "Yeah what's that?" Clary said "Remember how Luke talked about us having a brother?" 

I said "Yeah?" Clary pointed to Jace and said "Well meet our older brother." Izzy said "I'm sorry what now?" Jace said "Michael Wayland was Valentine in a glamor." I said "I knew it. Sorry and you guys have... Ok you know what if we are saying everything we have found out then.... Im pregnant so Clary and Izzy you are gonna be aunties and that makes you an uncle Jace." Clary and Jace's jaws dropped. Jace said "Does Alec know?" I said "Nope, he knows it's a possibility but I just found out." Clary said "How?" I said "Its called sex Clary." she smacked my arm and said "Not that, I mean how do you know?" Izzy said "Magnus Magic." 

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