Simon dead

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We ran back to where we last saw Jace and Izzy, Clary screamed "Jace! Jace?" As I screamed "Izzy!" Jace ran up to us and said "Clary, Tessa." Clary said "Hey. Oh, you're hurt!" something felt off so I stood behind Clary Jace said "I'll be all right. You both okay?" Clary said "Yeah, we're... we're fine. Barely, but..." Jace said "What happened?" she said "One of the Shax demons cornered us. But we got the Cup. I don't know, my instincts just kicked in and together we... we could do it. Maybe you're right. Maybe we'll be Shadowhunters after all." Jace said "Clary, you're amazing. I always knew you could do it. Now give me the Cup and let's go." I said "Give you the Cup?" Jace said "Yes. Only until we get back to the Institute. It's the only way I can keep you safe. I'll die before I let anything happen to you." Clary said "Yeah, you're totally right." She without him knowing handed me the cup and grabbed her blade. 

She stabbed him and said "Run Tessa!" Jace said "Clary?" I stuck the cup in my bag, turned, and ran straight into Alec and Luke making me back away from them. Luke said "Clary! Princess!" Alec breathed a sigh of relief "Tessa." Clary grabbed my arm and said "Get back! How do we know you're Alec and Luke?" Luke said "I got you spray paint for your birthday, and you got drawing stuff. What happened?" Alec said "Tessa the first time we kissed was in the training room so we didn't in get in trouble on the way to rescue Simon." Luke said "I'm sorry you what?" Clary said "Uh, demons. Long story. Um... Where'd you come from?" Luke said "Jail. I ran into Alec. Said you might be down here. Thought you might need some help." Alec said "Apparently not. Looks like she took care of it." 

Clary nodded at me so I ran to Alec who hugged me and she said "Shouldn't we get going or something? More demons could be coming, right?" Luke said "Oh, don't worry about it. I got the back on the lookout. If there's any other demons, we'll take care of them." Clary said "Look at you, leader of the pack." Luke said "Well, you know, it has its perks. This is what I want to know about." he pointed to Alec and she laughed and said "I've missed dad mode, haven't you Tessa?Shall we?" Alec said "Yeah. Right." I said "Not really, Dad mode Luke has scared away plenty of boyfriends." she said "I think that was more of a him being a cop thing." I laughed and shoved her shoulder as we walked back to the institute.

Alec, Clary, and I walked in as Jace said "Right now, Clary and Tessa are the only things that matter." Clary said "Jace!" Jace said "Clary." and they hugged he saw me and said "I'm glad your safe Tessa." I nodded at him and Clary said "We did it. We got the Cup." Jace said "I don't care about the Cup. When I came out of the tunnels, I didn't see you. I was worried something might have happened..." she said "There was a demon. Shapeshifter. It looked just like you." he said "You both all right?" Clary said "Yeah. Yeah, we're fine." he said "And the demon?" she said "I sent him straight back to hell." he said "How'd you know it wasn't me?" Clary said "I just knew." Jace said "Really? Kind of a risk, wasn't it?" I said "Nope, the first thing demon Jace asked for was the cup, the first thing you asked for was if she was ok." Clary said "Well, this may come as a surprise, but I actually do listen to some of the things you tell me. You just have to pay attention to the details and she is right that is how we figured it out."

Jace said "Yeah, well, I told you the first time we met, you have the Sight. You're a Shadowhunter, just like the rest of us." they kissed and Alec dragged me out of there, Izzy went after us. Alec was looking at a monitor and Izzy said "Tess we still need to finish our conversation." I said "I know and we will." Clary came over to me and said "Tess can I see it?" I nodded and pulled out the cup handing it to her, she walked a little bit away and said "It just looks like a wine glass." Jace said "That wine glass saved you and your sister's life." she said "What if... What if we hadn't gotten the Cup out in time? That demon..." Jace said "But you did. First rule of Shadowhunting... when something explodes, just keep walking. Never think twice. Never look away." She said "And what's the second rule?" Izzy used her whip to take the cup from Clary and said "There's nothing a Shadowhunter can't do in heels." 

I laughed and said "That is by far my favorite rule ever." Izzy hi five'd me Jace said " Alec, what are you doing?" Izzy handed me the cup. Jace said "You can stare at this monitor all you want, they need angel blood to get past the wards. You know that." Clary handed me the tarot card so I placed the cup back inside it. Jace said "No Downworlder can come into the Institute." Izzy said "Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter." Alec said "Last I checked, Valentine is a Shadowhunter. The Cup is not safe here. We have to give it back to the Clave." Clary said "Give it back to the Clave? No. Not after everything we went through to get it." Izzy said "My brother is right. The Cup is extremely important." Alec said "Are you agreeing with me?" she said "I'm full of surprises." Clary said "This Cup is the one chance we have at getting our mom back." 

Jace said "I agree with Clary. We can't give the Cup to the Clave, not now. We need it. It's our only bargaining chip." my sister said "Look, I know how powerful this Cup is. It has the power to create new Shadowhunters, control demons and even kill a mundane if they drank from it. But I promise you, I will not let that monster get his hands on it." Jace said "There you go. You have her word." Alec looked at her and said "Follow me." Alec led Clary away.

They came back and the card wasn't with them, Clary called Simon and left a voicemail. the monitor started to beep and Alec said "What the... huh." The entire institute started to beep, Jace said "There's something outside the perimeter." Alec said "I told you..." Jace said "Don't say it." Clary and I said "What's happening?" Izzy said "Looks like someone's trying to break in." Jace said "Could be the Circle." Alec said "Told you so." Jace said "Too soon."We went outside and saw someone carrying someone else. Jace said "Don't move." Alec said "Drop what you're holding. Put your hands up." Raphael was carrying a dead Simon I gasped as Clary said "Oh, my God, Simon!" We took them to the basement and Jace said "People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter." Alec said "We'll go. We'll tell them we didn't find anything. Nobody will come down here." I laced my hand with his and we walked away.

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