Chapter 15

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Once Luke pulled into the gas station, Calum had climbed into the front while I was in the store buying food with Luke. Without process I jumped into the backseat beside Ashton and lay my head on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. There was literally nowhere I'd rather be. Never would I have thought I'd have feelings for another person since the Calum thing but I couldn't be more wrong. Ashton made me see the beauty in people. He made me see everything in a better light. God, he was amazing.

It wasn't too long before I fell asleep on Ashton's shoulder. I felt a soft kiss being planted on the top of my head just before I drifted off.

I woke up to the sound of the 1975, lying across Ashton's legs and I looked up to see his cute little face as he slept. I grabbed his hand and curled into him. Everyone else was sleeping, we were parked somewhere, off the main road. There was a few empty streets nearby.

"Ash." I whispered. "Ashton."

His eyes opened slowly and he looked down at me and smiled. "Yeah. Morning." We were both whispering.

I bit my lip and looked in his beautiful hazel eyes. Fuck, he was beautiful. "Wanna get out of here?" Without saying a word, Ashton unclicked his belt so quietly it was barely audible. I opened the door with such precision and silence that I was surprised I hadn't taken up the chance to be a ninja. I wrote a note on a napkin and stuck it to the windscreen.

"Me n ash have gone a walk while you lazy assholes were still asleep, don't go anywhere we'll be back in an hour. - your fav emo, Cece."

I turned round with a sly look in my eye and a smirk on my face

"We're free."

And I took his hands and we ran down the streets with stars in our eyes.

We stopped at an abandoned treehouse- or what looked like an abandoned treehouse, it's hard to tell- we climbed the tree and sat in the tree house looking out over the horizon. Ashton grabbed my hand again and rubbed circles with his thumb.

"Ash?" I asked, as much as it pained me I had to ask him.


"What happened? You know, before we left?"

His eyes filled with something between sadness and anger.

"He um, he thought I tried to poison him. He thought I put battery acid in his drink. I didn't by the way, he's just a psychotic maniac. Fuck, no wonder my mum walked out."

"Ashton I-" I started talking but I could barely even utter the words without being interrupted.

"Don't. Don't start with all the 'oh Ashton I'm sorry' or the 'I know how you feel' because you don't" he snapped, I was taken aback. Innocent little Ashton's turning badass. But nothing hit me more than the look he had in his eye. Like he was disgusted with me. He sighed.

"Your mum and dad love you C, I've never even known what love was. Ever since I was a kid I've had to fend for myself. I don't have siblings to rely on, you've got Luke. I had nobody. All they done was give me money. I mean my dad is rich as shit and my mum must've been pretty rich because she moved to Dubai when I was 5, but apart from that I've got nothing and I never have had anything." His expression was soft and he rubbed my hand with his thumb, but his eyes were hard and cold, like nothing fazed him.

"Listen Ash I'm not going to tell you that I know how you feel, because I don't. But what I do know is that you are the most loving, most caring and the most amazing person I've came across. Hey, everyone's a bit fucked up, it just depends what kind of fucked up your into."

His big brown eyes met mine and in that moment I knew all I wanted was him.

Kiss him, Cece. Lean over and kiss him

And so I did. He pulled away first, keeping his hands on my face.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked, breathless.


"Can I be the kinda fucked up you're into?"


-authors note

this was so bad omf, sorry for the infrequent updates I've just been lacking ideas n shit, writing is hard man don't underestimate


Ok so um, I've had a fan Twitter account for a while but I've never really bothered to try n get followers so please go follow me I'm funny I swear

oh also

Talk to me on kik, I need friends because I have no life, go hit me up fam

as always, stay weird bbys

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