Chapter 22

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-April 18th 2015-

I woke up around 11am that morning on my bedroom floor with my head in my brothers lap as he slept sitting up against his bed. The first few disorientated minutes I had that morning were terrifying due to the fact i had Luke snoring like a pig behind me, Calum basically starfish-ed in my bed and some random guy from Luke's history class sleeping in the doorway of the room.

I untangled myself from Luke's lanky legs and pulled myself to my feet. I stumbled into the bathroom past the random sleeping guy and looked in the mirror. Holy shit. My once curled near hair was everywhere. My makeup was smeared all over my face. I pulled down the collar of my shirt to see multiple purple welts on my chest. "Dammit Ash" I muttered to myself. I cleaned myself up to look atleast half decent and made my way downstairs.

The place looked like a bomb had hit. Not a word of a lie. There were those red plastic cups lying everywhere(now that I mention them, I didn't know they were actually used at parties I thought they were just some American party stereotype) the sofa cushions were lying everywhere there was a yellow-y liquid all over the floor, I didn't even want to think about what that was. There was a damn pancake stuck to the ceiling with jam. I grabbed a brush and poked it and it fell to the floor with a disgusting flop. "Really dude? A pancake?" I muttered. Just then I heard a loud pair of footsteps coming down the stairs. A disheveled Luke stumbled down, who by the way seemed to have shed his tshirt since I seen him 5 minutes before.

"Oh shit." He stopped in his tracks once he actually took a good look at the state the house was in. "Yeah. Remind me never to have a party in this house ever again" i said, my voice hoarse. I started putting the rubbish in the binbag I had in my hand.

"I dunno C, you seemed to enjoy it." Luke shot back with a sly look on his face. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him blankly "You remember?" Well things just got a whole lot worse. "Obviously I remember. I was drunk but-" "you were smashed." I said cutting him off. "-but I wasn't drunk enough to forget that you almost banged Bandana boy on the bathroom sink." The smug little bastard. I punched him on the arm earning a yelp and continued to put the rubbish in the bag.

3 hours passed before the house was at least nearly the way it was before. I sat down on the sofa and clicked onto Twitter to see that Ashton had mentioned me in a tweet. I clicked onto it to see a photo of me and Luke last night absolutely smashed sleeping on the floor clinging to each other.

"@AshtonIrwin- Awwww, went to say goodbye to the twins and this is how I found them, the hemmos really do know how to melt my heart:')"

I laughed and replied by saying-

"@CeceHemmings96- @AshtonIrwin you'll pay for this irwin, me and hemmo#2 are out to get you sucker, watch your back you little shit."

I took to the group chat that consists of me, Luke, Sophie, Calum, Ashton and Michael.

Cece-Round 2? Got a few bottles of vodka leftover from the party, wanna get SMASHED, WHOS WITH ME??

Sophie- heck yeahhhh!!
Luke- why do I put up with you weirdos
Luke- but yes Luke wants in on the vodka

*2 hours later*

"Is it just me or are the stars so so incredibly amazing?" I slurred to the rest of them as we lay on the grass and looked up at the night sky, every one of us smashed out of our minds.

Ashton giggled that adorable baby boy giggle that made me melt every time. He grabbed my hand and turned his head towards me, the intoxication clearly visible on his face and whispered "well yeah, but I think you are more amazing-re" I laughed and pressed my lips against his. "That's not a word Ash but I'm gonna let you off because you are incredibly hot" Shit, I'm cringing even thinking about how much of a cheesy drunk I am. That earned a few balking noises and "ewwwwwws" from the guys but I didn't care. "Get a room you two" Sophie said with a drunken look of disgust on her face. I stuck my tongue out at her and bent over Ashton's face and kissed him just to fuck with everyone. Haha, take that fuckers.

I jumped up, grabbed Lukes hand and started pulling him along as he fumbled over his lanky legs with the help of vodka. "Come on big bro, let's run down the streets with stars in our eyes, just like we did when we were kids" this earned a chuckle from my extremely intoxicated brother as he started running hand in hand with my with the others running behind us.

We done this every night from the age of about 8 until we started high school. We would sneak out and practically sprint down the big stretch of road outside our house, all while holding hands. We ran for kicks. What strange children. But we were drunk and I was sentimental so I laughed hysterically as me and Luke sprinted down the street. It was the first time in a while I actually felt happy. I was surrounded by my best friends, the boy I loved and my brother. There was nothing more in the world that I could've asked for. I felt like I could do anything. I was on top of the world.


-authors note

WHATS UP SUCKERS??? Look who's back?

Ok firstly I'm sorry about the short chapter and the extremely infrequent updates. I've been super busy and not only that but this shit is hard. I honestly get stuck on what to write every single chapter. That and I've been spending my every living moment with Dean and Sam Winchester if ya feel me

But yeah I'm so sorry for the infrequent updates and this is just another filler but it's like 4:30 am here and I'm like a zombie so I will try and update within a week or two.

Thankyou all so much again for reading and I apologise again, I love yall so frickin much

As always, stay weird

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