Chapter 4

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-March 5th 2014-

I was alone for the night, mom and dad were working late and Luke was at band practice. So I sat in all night teaching myself new songs on my guitar.

Me and Luke have always been musical. We both got our first guitars on our 8th birthday; I got brown acoustic one, which I completely fell in love with, and Luke got a black and white electric one. We've always loved music. We'd always do small performances in front of our grandparents and parents when we were little.

As I'm sitting playing, someone hurls something at my window so hard I'm surprised it didn't break it. I walk out onto the balcony, the why or how isn't important for the time being it's the who I'm concerned about.


"What the hell are you doing?! You almost broke my window!" I shout a little frustrated, considering I look like horse shit and I'm in the middle of an extremely cliche Romeo and Juliet scenario.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Should've picked a smaller pebble" Ashton replied, when I noticed his hands were behind his back.

"Whatcha got there?" I ask.

"Let me up and I'll show you." Ashton shouts up, with a clear smirk on his face.

"Fine, I'll go open the door for you-" I shout, running around my room quickly trying to tidy it before Ashton has to come in.

"There's two things you should know about me Cece-" a voice says from behind me making me jump out of my skin. "-you don't have to clean your room for me and I'm a very good climber." Ashton says, lying down on my bed.

"Jesus Christ dude, you scared the shit out of me. I could've opened the door for you. " I say trying to get my breath back and getting my heart rate balanced again. He only laughs.

"So, I agreed to let you in if you showed me what was behind your back, so let's see." I say inquisitively as I sit down beside the curly haired boy lying down on my bed. I'm silently praying to myself "please don't be a gun".

"Only if you explain to me why you have two beds." he asked with a bewildered look on his face.

"I don't sleep in it stupid, it's my brothers bed." I struggle to say through my fit of laughter.

"Hey don't laugh at me! You have a brother?"

"Yeah a twin brother for that matter, Luke. Tall? Blond hair? Lip ring?"

"Awww I know who he is, he's in my English class. I didn't know you were his twin sister"

I couldn't blame him. We look nothing alike. He has blond hair I have brown hair. He's really tall and I'm small. He has really light skin and mines is more tanned. The only thing we share is the blue eyes.

"Yeah I know, we don't look very alike for twins." I let out a nervous laugh. "Sometimes I think he got the good looking genes." I say as I play with my fingers.

Ashton sits up with a more serious expression on his face than before.

"That's definitely not the case. I mean Luke's a good looking guy and all, but you. You're beautiful." Ashton smiles and leans in closer and closer before crashing his lips onto mine and everything seems to fit together. All of those years of wasting and destroying myself with cigarettes and vodka have seemed to be forgotten about. All that mattered right now was the absolutely gorgeous boy that I am latched onto by the lips.

"Cece I'm home- what the hell?!" I hear an all too familiar voice say in the doorway of my room.


authors note:

~ok so A LOT just happened in that chapter ohhhh

Firstly that was Ashton wooing her over yay well done Ash bby

Secondly they kissed woooo

Lastly, Luke is about to turn into the overprotective older-by-10-minutes brother oooooh

sorry y'all for taking so long in updating been studying for a few exams coming up n I kinda want to pass but I also want to write this so I'm torn ya feel me

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