Chapter 3

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-March 4th 2014-

As I emerged from my jeep and started to divert myself towards the doors ,Luke by my side, everyone immediately transferred their attention from their own conversations to me and my brother slowly and shyly walking through the hallways.

I try not to make eye contact with anyone as they all talk in hushed whispers. Luke, on the other hand drew them dirty looks causing them to turn away yet still carry on their conversations. Not good. Not unusual,but not good all the same.

I say goodbye to Luke before we split up to go to our classes. Modern Studies. Great.

I trudge slowly towards my seat. Mr Argent is as chirpy as ever. Just what I need. I am especially not in the mood for him today.

"Okay class, before we get started on our ever so exciting textbook work, I'd like to introduce a new student to our class today. Mr Irwin would you like to choose a seat or would you prefer I put you in one?" Mr Argent said to the curly haired, bandana wearing boy in the doorway of the class.

"The names Ashton, sir. Erm, I'm not bothered, I'll sit anywhere." the boy, Ashton apparently, said.

"In that case you can pop a squat on the seat right next to little Cecelia Hemmings."

Shit. Brand new guy in the classroom and my asshole of a teacher decides to use my real name. He uses Cece every other day and the one day I especially do not want it used and he uses it. Great, just great.

The brown eyed boy smiled at me and walked to the seat right next to mine.

"I'm guessing Cecelia is your full name." He whispered.

"How did you know?"

"As soon as he said your name you went bright red." He said, chuckling quietly to himself. I didn't reply.

"If your name isn't Cecelia, what is it?" the curly headed boy continued.

I had to laugh at his efforts. He was doing pretty well for just being sat next to me, literally 3 minutes earlier.

"Cece" I replied, trying to hold back a smile as I focused on the textbook.

"Well, Cece, I'd particularly love it if you wrote down the number required for me to text you later."

I scoffed in a condescending manner. His cockiness is quite funny but is starting to get on my nerves. We've spoke for 5 minutes and he's already hitting on me.

"Your attempt at flirting with me is cute, but are you seriously asking me for my number before you even introduce yourself. Christ, you could be an axe murderer for all I know."

"Ashton Irwin. Moved here from Sydney last week. Is that enough information or are you wanting information on my pets and my weird fetishes too?"

"We'll see bandana boy, we'll see." I replied with a smirk on my face as I slid him a folded sticky note that read:

"You're going to need to do better than your name and where you came from, bandana boy. Woo me and I'll consider giving you my number."


authors note:

Yes, I am aware that Ashton is older than the other boys but in order to make the story work I gotta make them the same age. Ok? Ok.

Firstly, Ashton's first appearance has arrived yaaaaay. I wonder how he'll woo her and earn her number oooooh.

Secondly, who new Cecelia was Cece's full name, waaaaw

I feel ya Cece, I feel ya.

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