Chapter 1

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-March 3rd 2014-

Maybe I hated seeing them together. Acting like nothing had ever happened. Infact, not maybe.

I did hate it.

I hated it more than anything else in the world.

How could she kiss him knowing what he'd done to me? What he'd put me through. It made no sense.

"Cece!" Sophie shouted across the lunch hall gesturing that I sat with them. With him. I pretended I didn't hear them and sat at a table with my twin brother, Luke, and some of his friends.

"You know you'll have to speak to him at one point, C." Luke told me, obviously catching me staring at them, in disgust. That frustrated me. Jesus Christ, was it that obvious?

"Is that really necessary?! I'd be fine with never approaching him or even associating with him for the rest of my life. Totally fine by me" I replied in frustration. A pang of guilt appeared in my stomach.

"Sorry. He just frustrates me."

"I know he does. Me too." A sad smile appeared on my brothers face. He could obviously see how much he hurt me.

"Cece?" It was Sophie. With Calum.

"What do you want?" Luke snapped. More at Calum than Sophie.

"Now now, Lukey. No need to get bitchy. Your twinny completely ignored us earlier. Now whys that C?" Calum said with complete ice in his voice.

"Don't call me that. And I'd rather sit with my brother than with an absolute asshat of a boy" I spat back at him with utter hatred in my eyes.

"Looks like you already picked the asshat, hun." He replied with the slyest, evilest, most cunning smirk on his face I've ever seen. Ever.

"That's it!! That's so fucking it!!" Luke shouted, jumping up out of his seat and slamming his lunch tray on the table. I've never seen Luke so angry. There was venom in his eyes as he flew across the table and swung a punch straight for Calum.

Calum immediately defended himself and started swinging punches at Luke's face as they rolled around on the ground punching each other.

If I'm completely honest, I really wanted to let Luke kick the shit out of Calum. But my brother would probably end up with a jacked up face in return. And I'd get the blame. So I pried Luke from Calum's grip and tried to drag him away.

Before he even dare budged Luke decided to shout threats.

"Come anywhere near her again you piece of shit and I swear I'll rip you apart! I'll kill you!!"

Everyone was watching. Every little clique in the school. The cheerleaders. Jocks, nerds, the stoners, everyone switched their attention from their own conversations to my brother and Calum Hood beating the shit out of each other.

A few teachers watched on in confusion. Also none of them made an attempt to split them up.

I tried my best at dragging him to my old red jeep before any teachers got the chance to stop us. There was 2 periods left. I'm sure we weren't missing much anyway.

We sat in my jeep for a while before I switched the engine on. Luke sat staring into nothingness. He was bleeding from a cut in his eyebrow and his nose was bleeding too. We said nothing for a good few minutes. I decided to invade the eerie silence.

"You didn't have to do that. We could've just gave them a mouthful then left. You didn't have to get into a fight with him." I said calmly.

"Yes I did, C. I really did because I'm sick fed up of that asshole making mine and your lives a misery. Especially yours. Fuck, Cece look what he put you through!"

"I know, Lukey. I'm used to it. He's treated me like shit for so long that it actually doesn't surprise nor upset me anymore it jut strengthens the hatred I have towards him." I say, not even making eye contact with him, just staring down at my chipped nail polish.

"How do you do it? How are you so strong Cece?"

"That's the thing dude. I'm not I'm just an expert at pretending that I am."


authors note:

~ooooohh shits going downnnn

i wonder what terrible things Calum has done to poor Cece:///

I apologise in advance if this is really shitty, it's my first fanfic so don't judge ok

I honestly wouldn't be writing this rn if it wasn't for the help of my most fav person in the whole wide world, cal_freak this is dedicated to u bby gurl

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