Chapter 11

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"So, are you older or younger than Luke?" Isaac asked, sipping his coffee. God this guy was upper class af.

"Younger" I say back. Which wasn't a lie. Luke got a 10 minute head start in the race out of the womb so I was the youngest.

"Really? I thought you were olde-" he stopped himself and I raised an eyebrow. "What I meant was, you look older, in a good way. How much older is he?" He asked, clearly trying to change the subject.

"10 minutes, we're twins." No sooner were the words out my mouth than the coffee from Isaac's mouth sprayed my face. Gee, thanks.

"You're his twin?" Jesus I thought you were one of those mysterious older sisters, you're 17?!" How is that so news breaking that I had a mouthful of coffee sprayed all over my face? I wiped my face and stay calm before starting to come up with a reply.

"Yeah I'm his twin, we don't look alike enough to tell though." This was starting to become an occasion. Every new person I had met in the past week I had to explain that my brother was the happy-go-lucky dude that sang and played guitar in a punk rock band that absolutely kicked ass fyi, the guy everyone loved. I was a no one, I wasn't the girl that was spoke about for the nice clothes or nice shoes, I was the girl with the dyed black and blue hair(before I dyed it back brown), the girl that dated the most popular guy in school. Calum.

My deep thoughts must've made me fall asleep because I woke up slumped over the table in an empty diner. I looked around and there was no one there apart from the busboy. Where did Isaac go? And why did he let me sleep? I started to panic, what if he had took my jeep, or my guitar, or my phone? I ran out to the parking lot (car park for Brits, maybe Aussies I dunno do Aussies say car park???) I jumped from my seat and went into my pocket for my keys. They were there. So was my phone. Thanks JC. There was something else. A piece of paper. I took it out and read it:

Had to go, sister picked me up. Sorry I couldn't wait to say goodbye, I didn't want to wake you. Just call me when you get home so I know you're okay- if you want to. Isaac x

PS: I added my number to your contacts before I left, don't worry I didn't look at anything. Call me though

I'll call him later, I thought. I need to get home. I checked my phone and I had 8 missed calls from Luke. I swiped to call him back. It rang out. I put it back in my pocket and got into my jeep. I drove for a few miles before I heard my phone ring I picked it up and put it on loudspeaker.

"Cece? Where are you? Why haven't you been answering my texts, or my phone calls? Have you been drinking? If you have tell me where you are and I'll take mums car and come get you, you can't drive if you've been drinking-" he rambled, clearly worried.

"Luke calm down you're worse than mum, I was at a diner with a friend, I'm on my way home now, are you in the house, if your not I can pick you up on the way."

"What friend? Never mind, I'm at Michael's, as long as you're okay I'll see you at home"

"K. Later"

The drive home was slow and painfully boring. All that was flowing through my mind was Ashton. The worries I had for that kid were endless. I thought about his dad hitting him, the look of fear on that adorable baby face. And my heart broke.

I thought about driving to his house. I rejected that thought mainly because I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. When I reached home, the lights were off, but I ignored that and switched my attention to the figure sitting on my doorstep. A wave of confusion and fear washed over me. I got out of the car and cautiously approached the person sitting Infront of my house. I almost gasped once the person looked up at me with the big brown eyes that I had fallen in love with one too many times before.

It was Calum.


-authors note

what up motherfuckaaaaas

I have just written the most shitty, the shortest and the most pointless filler chapter possible but it's like 3 am where I am and I have a hella important assignment due for tomorrow and it's not finished and I've left it in class oh shitballs

I have no idea why im telling you this.

OK so I have a huge idea planned for the next few chapters and I'll be able to update more often now that 97% of my exams are done for a few months so I'm legit buzzing

thankyou to everyone who's read this from the start, it's a shitty fanfic but I'm also a shitty person so it goes quite well. I really do appreciate you guys reading this and I promise it gets better. Love you guys a lot

peace out gangstas

stay weird x

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