Chapter 17: The Atmosphere

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"You don't have to if you don't want to, by the way. I just, you know?" You gestured helplessly, unsure of how to convey what you meant. "I don't want you to get in an accident because you're tired, because driving while sleep deprived has a--"

"A higher risk of crashing than those who are legally drunk," Aaron finished for you. "I don't remember the exact statistics, but Reid's told me it's pretty significant."

You managed to look him in the eye, resisting the urge to duck your head. "Exactly. I care about you, Hotchner. And you wouldn't be imposing, at all." You stepped toward him and took his hand in yours, "I even have a spare bedroom if you're uncomfortable sharing a bed."

Aaron brought your joined hands up to his mouth, kissing your knuckles. "Thank you, and you're lucky I've got my go bag with me."

You laughed as the image of him wearing your clothes popped into your mind, "I mean, you could always use one of my oversized shirts, and I'm sure I got some sweats or pajama pants that would fit you."

He looked at you quizzically, a single brow raised as you continued to giggle.

"I'm just saying, even if you didn't have your extra clothes, I'm sure I could find some way to make you stay..." You wiggled your brow suggestively and tried not to burst into laughter as his eyes widened with panic. "Loosen up, Hotchner! Geez, you should've seen your face," you squeezed his hand in reassurance. "I just don't want you to unnecessarily risk your life, 'cause I know it comes with your job, but why add to it if it can be avoided, you know?"

Aaron nodded slowly, moving his fingers until they were laced with yours and going to the trunk to retrieve his duffel.

When you got inside, you cursed under your breath. "Ay nako, damn podagee--"

"What? Portuguese?"

"No, well, kind of," you smiled apologetically. "I just, I forgot to get a picture of us at the restaurant and the theater, and I was just calling myself dumb with like, Hawaiian slang. It's, I used Pidgin a lot, and it comes back every once in a while, you know?"

He nodded and pulled out his phone, navigating through it as he spoke. "Well, I know you tend to-- How did you phrase it? 'Capture the moment', and I figured you might have been so caught up in it..." He handed his phone to you and pulled something from his suit coat pocket.

On his phone was a picture of the marquee at the theater, with you looking up at the display. It was difficult to tell it was you, as it was of the back of your head, but what mattered was seeing the sign to remember the occasion. You gasped softly at his thoughtfulness before accepting the small square he passed to you. It was a polaroid of you and Aaron at the bistro, staring at each other as you wore matching grins. You giggled as you remembered the exact moment.

A table nearby was having a loud conversation, and you both heard the most bizarre snippet of it.

"Ma, you can't do this to me! That's my step brother!"

"Oh hush, Joey. Your father and I are separated, and Vinnie was not birthed from my loins. You are my son, and frankly, I don't see why it matters. You were the one always saying he should be more included in the family, even if he's not blood--"

"That is so not what I meant, Ma. This? You? Him? It's just wrong--"

You had looked to Aaron with horror, and shared the look of "Did that really just happen?" When he nodded, you snorted, causing him to have to bite back his own laughter. Not being able to laugh made it harder not to, and you grinned at each other as you silently suffered through near aneurysms.

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