Chapter 48: Heaven in Humans

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You never imagined Derek Morgan would leave the BAU.

He was so outgoing, kept up the hope within the team, and was personally responsible for keeping Spencer from transferring out at least twice.

But, you heard from your boyfriend that that was the case, especially after his girlfriend was targeted because of their work. You understood the decision, and were grateful that you were invited to their going away party before they would be on their way to parenthood. You wondered about the woman that got Derek to settle down, and knew that whoever it was must be amazing.

You passed by Quantico to pick up Aaron the night of the celebration, having a spare set of clothes for him to change into as you knew he had prepared for another long night at work instead of a party.

He was surprised to see you when you came to his office, but as he saw you came without food, he realized his mistake and quickly gathered what he was working on into his briefcase. You simply raised a brow and held the door open as he kept glancing up at you sheepishly, pushing in his chair before heading out.

As he passed you, you brought your arm back and landed a firm slap to his ass. Luckily the bullpen was empty, but that wouldn't have stopped you from doling out the warning of a potential punishment when you got home. He accepted the smack with only a blush, knowing he was in the wrong and used to the treatment for when he wasn't fully thinking.

You weren't angry or disappointed in your boyfriend for forgetting, you were just reminding him to be more mindful of things outside of work, and your course of action usually worked, with Aaron's prior consent of course.

The drive to one of Derek's properties was enough time for Aaron to get changed in the back of your car, but you had to refrain from pulling over and jumping his bones several times on the way over as you caught him in various states of undress. One instant, he was shirtless, which you could deal with. The next, his new dark blue button up was fully open as he rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, almost causing you to veer off the road. Another, the shirt was one buttoned halfway, leaving a deep "V" of his chest exposed, and you slammed on the brakes at a red light much harder than expected.

Luckily he slid his pants on before you could suggest stopping for a quickie, as both of you knew it would be very obvious if it were to happen, and make you fashionably late.

After putting the car in park about a block away from the house, you complimented Aaron and stole a kiss as he ducked out of the car. You fell into step with him as you walked the short distance, leaning on each other as you linked arms.

You were expecting to see Derek, or his mystery woman, but your jaw dropped as you saw none other than your friend.

Savannah Saroyan.

She greeted you and Aaron without a second glance, relaying the information that the rest of the team was already mingling in the dining room with a smile and a small baby in her arms. You gave Aaron a kiss on his cheek, then a real one when his brow furrowed into a soft puppy eyed look. He seemed satisfied after the second one, and you gave him an extra kiss on the nose as you shooed him towards his team. You mouthed an "I love you" to him as he reluctantly walked toward them, watching you over his shoulder as you gave him a look that meant you wanted some time alone with Savannah.

Your boyfriend nodded in understanding and disappeared through the doorway, leaving you with a grinning Savannah.

"So," you started, following as she led you to the pair of armchairs, "Girl, how come you never told me that you found your man? Or that you had an entire ass child?"

Savannah laughed, touching your arm comfortingly, "Sorry, girl. Everything was just so hectic with Derek getting kidnapped, him proposing, but then this happens..." She gestured at her stomach, where the outline of bandages pressed through her dress.

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