Chapter 24: Supernova Part Two

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Aaron's hand returned to your side, warming your skin as he dragged his hand up and down your side, the calluses on his palm making your shiver in contrast to the soft touch. His head dipped between your breasts as they naturally fell apart, licking a wet stripe up your sternum before circling back down to take your nipple between his lips. He rolled the nub between his teeth as he massaged the other with his hand, pinching it between his fingers and pulling it away from your body. Your back arched into his ministrations, moaning at the sensations and the pleasurable level of pain.

You watched the muscles in his back and neck move under his skin as he switched to your other nipple, head falling back as you clenched your thighs where they were still trapped between Aaron's. He bit his lip to hold back a moan as he listened to you whine at the loss of his mouth on your body, locking stares with you as he lifted his leg to part your thighs with his knee.

You both groaned as he pressed his knee to your core, "Fuck, Y/N..." he applied more pressure, the lacy material of the panties parting your lips, giving you delicious friction as it settled against your clit, "You're soaking..."

"Sorry, I—"

"That's so fucking hot, God..." he moved further down the bed and you spread your legs for him until he knelt between your calves. "And here I thought I would be spilling my cream onto you tonight," he murmured. You blushed under his attention and his recollection of the remark you had made way back when in the diner. Both of his hands rubbed arcs with his thumbs on your thighs. You stared at him as he drank in every inch of you, and you soon did the same, eyes traveling across his face, down each arm, and over the expanse of his torso. You longed to touch the number of silvery white scars spanning his chest and belly, to explore every centimeter of his body until you memorized every scar, vein, and dip.

You both took a moment to appreciate and savor the sights in front of you, turning your attention to each other's expression as his hands slid up to the waistband of your underwear. You gave the slightest cant of your head to let him know it was okay to go ahead. You lifted your hips so he could slide the panties over your ass and hips, the material traveling down slowly until it slid from your pussy. He lifted your knees to pull them the rest of the way off, tossing the scant garment to the side and repositioning your legs to either side of him again.

As he knelt, he quickly pulled off his socks and reached for your stockings. Your legs jerked up, and you shivered as you felt the cool air hit your hot pussy.

"Can I keep them on?" He nodded, pulling his hands away from the garters on your thighs. You sighed,your eyes closing as you lavished in his attention. "I like the way they feel..." He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the insides of each of your thighs before gently prying them further apart, exposing you fully to him.

You groaned as you perked to see him staring at your core with hunger, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. He reached down to massage your hole, your slick coating his fingers as he easily slid one finger in, pumping you until you could hear his movements. You were absolutely dripping as he slid another finger in, the thickness of his digits already filling you up. You keened as he curled his fingers, searching for your g-spot. He found it soon enough as a guttural moan left your throat, and he kept stroking his fingers inside you as he prepared you for his girth.

Deeming you stretched enough, he pushed down his boxers and used your slick to coat his cock, bringing himself to a comfortable hard on. The angle your body was at wasn't ideal, so he asked for a pillow.

You handed him one from under your head, a surprised yelp escaping you as he lifted you around the waist with one arm to place the pillow under you for elevation. Your eyes were still closed, as you didn't want to judge in case he was, uh, smaller, than you imagined. You felt the bed dip on either side of you as he planted his hands at your side, and you could feel his knees touch your thighs as he was presumably making a stronger base for himself. You found that you were more turned on as the sensations felt more intense if you weren't expecting them anyway.

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