Chapter 19: Of Mars

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Aaron's triathlon started at 5:30 AM, and though you saw him off, you left to get breakfast as you expected him to be done in about three hours. You made sure to come back within two hours, in case he decided to be extra speedy.

You spotted David as you were roaming around the tents, and he beckoned you over from the other side of the crowd. It was evident that the group he was with had just arrived, as the person you presumed to be Derek Morgan alarmed a black SUV while David was pocketing another set of car keys. Having been already acquainted with half of the BAU, you weren't as nervous as you thought you'd be when you approached the group.

"Y/N," David greeted you as you got close enough, "It's good to see you again so soon."

"Y/N?" Penelope and Spencer exclaimed at the same time, surprised to see you being pulled into a hug by the eldest profiler. Spencer waved-- as you now knew he was wary of germs-- to greet you, which you returned before presenting your fist and pulling a Vanna White. He eagerly finished the gesture, and you were both laughing as you remembered your last conversation-- which was about the possibility of a whipped cream jetpack.

The team was confused as to why you were laughing with Reid, but pushed it from their minds as you came over to introduce yourself.

You stuck your hand out to who you figured was Penelope, as she was the only woman to recognize you and had the garb to match her personality.

"Hey Penelope, it's nice to finally meet you in person," Your eyes widened as she shook your hand and used it to pull you into a hug.

"Oh honey, I am so hungover right now, but I'm glad to put a name to a face." You returned her hug, patting her back until she pulled away.

The other blonde stepped up, adjusting her sunglasses on her face before offering her hand. "I'm Jennifer, but my friends call me JJ."

"Nice to meet you JJ, I'm Y/N." You grinned as you realized she was in the same boat as Penelope, as well as the other woman. You turned to the brunette after shaking JJ's hand, "I assume that means you're Prentiss? Well, Emily?"

She nodded and immediately groaned at the action, using JJ's shoulder to support her as she shook your hand. "Yep, Emily. Just how much has Hotch told you about us?"

You laughed, noting the glance JJ threw at your hand as you held onto Emily's while answering, "Enough to know that you guys are insanely cool, and to know it's a definite honor to meet y'all." You released her hand as the bald man sidled up to you, a kid on his shoulders.

"Hey, pretty mama, I'm Derek..." He gave you a once over, "So you're Hotch's girl? Remind me to congratulate him on landing someone as gorgeous as you." He winked as he took your proffered hand and kissed your knuckle, turning an infectious smile on you. You returned his grin, a feeling of comfort settling over you as you received nothing but a warm welcome from Aaron's team.

"Yeah, he is pretty lucky," your confidence was shining, "And I think I will remind you, if you ever forget." You winked before turning your attention to the little boy and offered your hand once more. "Hello, I'm Y/N."

The blond scrutinized you for a minute before shifting his sign to one hand so he could shake yours. "Hi, I'm Jack. Are you my daddy's friend?"

"Why, yes I am. Did he let you know I was coming today?"

"Mhm, wanna see the sign I made for him?"

You nodded and gasped dramatically in awe as you saw the colorful and glitter ridden piece of paper. "Wow... This is amazing Jack, and you did this all by yourself?"

He grinned proudly, pointing out the different aspects. "Yeah! I colored it myself and put the sparkles on, too!"

"Very impressive, I like it a lot!" You let Derek take over the conversation with Jack, scooting toward the women and getting their attention. "So... You guys look like you had a fun time..."

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