Chapter 46: Zodiac Fates

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After Dean and Strauss' deaths, it was safe to say things went downhill from there. Aside from hearing that Brennan was back with Booth after spending three months on the run, things for the next year and a half were a real roller coaster.

You had gone on assignment-- reenlisting in the Army, just like Booth warned you-- after several insistent calls from your higher ups, despite your reluctance to leave Aaron again, especially having already been away on the task force for a long while. It was worse this time, as you couldn't have contact with him unless you were supervised, couldn't disclose your location to him-- or anyone for that matter-- and didn't have any down time unless you counted sleep. Having someone listening in on your calls really killed the mood-- though, there were a few days where you just couldn't give a shit and and let everyone know how horny you were through your filthy words-- but you finally figured out that sending letters was the best method, especially as you did it in secret through some of Booth's old trainees.

The days were dry and hot and long, but you were grateful to not see any action. However, other units were not so lucky and you had started taking some time at night to pray for the fallen and your fellow soldiers' safety as you had picked up on the habit from your time serving with Booth.

You had been gone for just over five months when the incredible Peelope Garcia hacked your commanding officer's comms just as your unit was returning from a village scout, threatening total shutdown of the rest of the technical equipment if you didn't get on the helicopter that was being dispatched for you as soon as it landed in seventeen minutes. She was a stubborn gal, and not even the fiercest general could talk her down, so they reluctantly let you pack your things as the whirring of the machine's blades were distinguishable.

Dust swirled around as the helicopter landed, at the exact time Penelope said. Your superiors were too dumbfounded to try and hold you back, so you bade everyone a rushed goodbye and hoisted yourself inside with your duffels slung over one shoulder. You didn't know what was so important that you were being pulled away from your mission-- it seemed you were close to finishing anyway, they barely used you for translations or negotiations in the past few days-- but you figured it must have been a matter of life and death with how adamant Penelope was.

When you arrived in Virginia-- the heli took you to a private jet, where a driver sent by Garcia came to pick you up-- the reason became more apparent as you approached a hospital. You remained surprisingly calm as you were brought in, where you met the tear streaked tech analyst at the front desk, who explained the whole situation of your Aaron collapsing and how he was still in surgery-- which must have been well into several hours, if the length of your flight was any indication. You focused on comforting her more than you did your own feelings, especially as the rest of the team was apparently working on a case, still processing the whole situation and wondering how this could have happened out of the blue.

You had fallen asleep without really knowing when, and woke up to a missing Penelope. You made sure to not immediately freak out, checking around for any note or message she may have left as it was morning now. Your phone was a last resort, but you still sighed in relief as you saw the text about her going to grab something for the both of you to eat. It was a relief to see your boyfriend in the hospital bed and out of surgery, but you were so out of it that you didn't even notice the man that was flipping through some papers on a clipboard.

He asked how you were related to Aaron after introducing himself as Dr. Daniel Nyland, and after hearing your answer of being his girlfriend, gave you the news about how he operated on your boyfriend and had a few complications, but eventually pulled through. Your overwhelming gratitude and joy translated into an unexpected bear hug from you to the doctor, who immediately returned the gesture and relayed how lucky everyone involved was. After thanking him profusely, he lowkey flirted with you-- which only became more pronounced as he checked in on Aaron's recovery-- but you mistook it for friendliness as you were focused on your boyfriend. That is, until he outright gave you his number.

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