Chapter 36: Streaked Skies

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An hour or so later, after you were surprised by Aaron's team, Spencer texted you. You minimized the FaceTime screen so you could read the entirety of the message in your texts. Running through the mental checklist of possible chores, you figured you had done enough for the night and settled on your couch in the living room before reading your friend's message.

From Spencer Reid (Profiler Squint)

6:13 PM - 1/2 Hi I know it was out of line, what I did at the cabin, but I am glad to have you in my life. Even as good friends, it is more than I deserve after kissing you while you were in a relationship with Hotch. Thank you for being kind and giving me a second chance, as well as letting it pass without it affecting our relationship. Though you know it was tense between me and Hotch after you told him, I don't blame you for maintaining your relationship with him. I can see he makes you happy and I am again sorry for infringing on that. But, I also know you've had at least two fights regarding spending time with me after th

2/3 e incident, so I wanted to thank you again for defending me and making the decision to still meet up with me. You helped with my happiness, even after I messed up, so I wanted you to be the first to share in my happiness, and possibly your own relief. I am going to meet someone I love for the first time. She has been in an unfortunate situation with a stalker, but we have been talking for months and she's agreed to have dinner with me this week. I wish I had the time to tell you, but I will just

3/3 tell you that she shares in the depth of my love for Thomas Merton. You know the extent of that, so I hope that can accurately convey what I feel for her.

6:14 PM - Sorry for the long text, but I don't really have anybody else to tell.

To Spencer Reid (Profiler Squint)

6:16 PM - That's awesome Spencer!! She must really be smth if she managed to catch your eye

6:17 PM - Inknow things were a little awkward a couple months ago, but I'm pretty sure it's passed. I don't hold any hard feelings for you, and you didn't mess up things before between me and Aaron, so don't even worry!

6:18 PM - Besides, no relationship is ever going to get in the way of my friendships, because relationships can come and go, but friends have a meaningful connection in another way

6:18 PM - Plus you're one of my best friends, so that goes doubly true that I won't let Aaron mess with our friendship. I'm here for you, and you can tell me anything at any time!!

6:19 PM - And yeaaa, I know what you mean if she's on the same level as Merton with you. That's actually pretty impressive, what's her name anyway?

From Spencer Reid (Profiler Squint)

6:21 PM - yes she is amazing, and I don't even care what she looks like, because she is already the most beautiful girl in the world to me. I will keep that in mind, I'm glad that I'm your best friend and that I finally have someone to share my secrets with. Her name is Maeve and she's been helping me with the migraines I used to have.

You grinned at your phone. Spencer Reid had a secret lover? And he chose to tell you? The notion made you feel very special indeed, and proud of the man you felt was like family. You were glad your boyfriend didn't notice, because you found it hard to keep secrets from him if he asked directly. This was Spencer's secret, that he trusted you with, so you mentally promised in and yourself to not share it with anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. You took a few moments to call yourself before typing back a response, still smiling at the exciting news.

To Spencer Reid (Profiler Squint)

6:23 PM - Again, she sounds even more amazing. Like a match made in heaven, but better since God made us have free will or whatever. Idk he's pretty weird if you ask me, so believe what you want

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