Chapter 20: Of Jupiter

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With both of your schedules so busy, Aaron made it a point to make each date count. You had opportunities for quick meet ups, but he surprised you with a mysterious date two weeks after his triathlon. He didn't name any specific places, and only gave you instructions on when to meet and how to get there via turn by turn directions.

You hoped this date would go uninterrupted, unlike previous attempts. He was called back to work more often than not, meaning your time together was cut short whenever he even had the energy to meet up. You didn't necessarily mind, knowing from the start that his schedule was never truly set, but you felt bad for him when he profusely apologized for leaving, every single time he was summoned.

There was one time where a make out session had gotten heated during a takeout Chinese night, but Penelope called him in as you undid the third button on his shirt. You had reluctantly climbed off his lap-- as you were straddling him in the heat of the moment-- and promised you would be waiting for him when he came back.

Dating a profiler was taxing, but Aaron was worth it. He was sweet, made you laugh, soothed your worries, and he was so kind that your heart physically hurt at feeling all of the love he directed at you.

Right now, you were turning into a parking lot, which was surrounded by trees and gave way to a park. You pulled out the paper with Aaron's handwritten instructions, reading them in the yellowed light of a street lamp. The last few steps were straightforward, so you pocketed the paper and proceeded on your journey.

You spotted Aaron's car and went to it, the new perspective giving you a chance to see the opening in the woods. You were grateful to see a lightly trodden path, though the shadowy trees were still off putting. You steeled your resolve and ventured on, using your phone flashlight to light the way.

When you arrived at the end of the path, you knew the grass that had snagged on your shins was worth it.

Aaron stood in a light blue button up and grey slacks, holding a single rose that resembled fire. Its petals were yellow, tipped with red and hints of orange as your phone shined on it. He held the flower out to you, and you came closer to him to accept it.

You twirled it between your fingers, admiring the colors and originality. You had some knowledge of the flower language-- a niche interest you had explored when you were thirteen-- but you would have to check the meaning of this colored rose later. What you recalled now would mean that Aaron was saying something significant, though you weren't sure if it was intentional or if you were even correct. You liked the idea you believed it represented though.

Aaron ducked his head to press a kiss to your cheek, offering his hand to lead you to the picnic set up that you had completely overlooked. You moved the flower into the same hand as your phone and slid your free hand into his.

Now that your attention was on your surroundings instead of your handsome boyfriend or his gift, you saw candles nestled in the grass surrounding the blanket, a basket propped open to reveal food inside, and a bucket filled with ice and a bottle of wine. A cooler sat off to the side, the sharpie on a piece of masking tape labeling it as "Chilled Glasses".

Your phone light passed over all of these things before flicking up to your boyfriend. "Hotchner..." It was impossible to keep the awe from your tone, "You did all this for me?"

He chuckled lowly, pulling your hand up to his lips to kiss it before guiding it to his cheek. His eyes closed at your touch, "I did, yes... D'you like it?"

Your voice sounded far away from you, like you were in a dream as you registered the romantic gestures. "Very much so." You stroked his cheekbone with your thumb, "You didn't have to do thi--"

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