Chapter 10: The Wanderer

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The alcohol in the sake was working through your veins as Aaron drove you back to Virginia from DC, bringing your walls down to unlock your childlike wonders. He chuckled as you started to point out "cool" things through the windows.

"Oh wow... Do you see the clouds? They're so pretty, and fluffy, and white, and wow, I wanna pet them...

"Ooh, oh! That building is so, so tall... Omigosh! This one's even taller... Ew! That one looks weird, it's all-- Wait, I forgot what I was gonna say.

"Oh yeah! I never got to tell you I didn't know you from the 'Y', I uh, I actually work for the FBI. Just like you! But now I'm in the finance-y part, but I'm still a special agent 'cause reasons." You turned to him, tears in your eyes, "I didn't tell you, 'cause I was scared you'd think I was weird..."

You knew you said something of importance, but the memory of it escaped you as you stared blankly ahead. Your mind finally processed his laugh, your confusion evident as he spoke.

"I already knew, Y/N. Garcia couldn't keep a secret if she tried and I'm sorry, but she told me the same day she first called you." He laughed again, leaving you in your buzzed confusion.


"Hotchner, Hotchner!" You slapped at his arm as you pointed ahead, "The cow's falling off the billboard! We gotta save them! Pull over!"

Aaron looked up to see a Chick-Fil-A advertisement, where a cow was dangling by a rope connected to another cow. He burst into laughter then, at the absurdity of the cows and your insistence at saving them. His amusement was cut short as you reached across and jerked the steering wheel toward the upcoming exit, intent on the fake bovine.

Aaron hastily took the exit to avoid crashing into the fork in the highway, continuing past the billboard as his heart raced. He smothered the flare of anger at knowing you could have gotten both of you killed because of something so arbitrary. He wasn't exactly sure where he was at the moment, but he kept in the same direction, focusing his energy on driving safely instead of scolding you.

You sobered up as soon as you caused the car to swerve to the side, the only thing in your vision being the concrete divide. Your life flashed before your eyes and you only released the breath you didn't know you were holding as Aaron had the quick reaction to keep the momentum of the car in the same direction.

He gripped the wheel, knuckles white against the black material. You knew you fucked up and unconsciously scooted away from him, pressing yourself against the door to appear smaller. Resting your head rested on your hand, your forehead pressed against the cool glass of the window. You resigned yourself to being silent, fearing the possibility of incurring the wrath of Aaron Hotchner.

The car ride proceeded in silence, tension keeping you both in your thoughts. And it would still be another half hour drive.

It was about fifteen minutes after the near car crash that you spotted an aquarium, at which you quietly remarked about not being to one in years.

Your soft comment immediately caught Aaron's attention, as it was the first break in the stillness of the atmosphere. When he looked over to you, he finally saw the discomfort you were in and thought about what to do. His brow lowered as he brainstormed, lips pressing together in a thin line as he mentally kicked himself for making you scared of him. There was no debate, he would take you to the aquarium.

Your breath hitched as you continued looking out the window to see the parking lot come into view as Aaron pulled in. Your gaze whipped to him as he parked, the silent question of "Are we really going in?" in your eyes. At his nod, you burst out of the car with a shout of victory.

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