Chapter 47: Cuddle Among Cosmos

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A/N: Sudden burst of inspiration and felt like I left this on a bad note for the last chapter. I don't really have an excuse, and I hate that I left y'all hanging for so long, but I am going to try and work on these last few chapters to at least wrap things up :,)

Despite all the shit you and your boyfriend went through in your own lives-- nevermind the times it overlapped, for all the wrong reasons-- you were grateful to see that he could still be so soft in this world.

It was one of those rare mornings where you woke up first and neither of you had work. Life was starting to look up, and with your boyfriend already moved in, it was easy to imagine this moment as if you were married.

The sun was warm on your face, bright, but not blinding, and you were spooning your boyfriend. It was comfortable, and you pressed closer to him for his warmth, sliding your hand under the hem of his shirt to feel his tummy. It was comforting to just feel the soft skin, and you smiled as you realized the scars didn't faze you anymore. What happened, happened, and hopefully there would be no further complications.

The light illuminated the brush of freckles that were on his neck, and you kissed along the ones you saw, continuing down to the larger smattering of them you knew was on his shoulder. "Good morning, Aaron," you hummed against his skin as you felt him inhale sharply, signalling his waking up.

He breathed out something akin to a giggle, though it was deeper than you expected, even in his morning voice. "Hi, sweetheart. That tickles..."

You grinned against his skin, and his hand came up to cover the one you were stroking his stomach with. "I just love touching you," you said, nipping his ear.

"I know you do," He sighed and looked over his shoulder, where you could see the blush dusting his cheeks. "Do you think you could, uh, it feels better, when you um, when you get me off..."

It was surprising to hear him suggest that you do something for him. Usually he initiated anything sexual, or riled you up using his knowledge and profiling skills to get you to react how he wanted. He had never outright asked— well in this case, it was indirect, but still more than you had ever heard from him— and you were proud that he felt comfortable enough to do so. The most he'd ever "asked" of you, was guiding your hands where he wanted them, which was enough communication, but hearing him actually request for you to touch him was more of a turn on than you anticipated.

"Of course, babe," the thoughts you had were whirring a million miles a minute, but every one of them were positive, "How do you want me?"

He tensed for a moment, and you could feel his skin getting warmer, which made you smile at how much effort he was putting into the moment. "Do you remember, the um, the night that I got back from San Francisco? And we were in the tub?"

"Yes, how could I forget?" You said wistfully, before scolding him in the same light tone. "You came to my place all bruised and with a taped up chin, and you told me, all nonchalantly, how you were just 'tackled by an UnSub', as if that was supposed to be an everyday thing."

"Well, yes, but that was—"

"Don't try to say that it's just a part of your job, sweetie..." while you enjoyed the banter, you could tell your boyfriend was beginning to shy away from you, so you changed tactics. "Hey, that last time was as a reward, but I want to do this for you. I'm really glad you asked, babe."

You wiggled your way upward, going until your back was situated against the headboard with your legs spread. Aaron maneuvered under the shared blanket so he was between your legs, sitting far enough that he could lean his upper back against your chest. You tapped his thigh under the blanket, and he pushed his flannel pajama pants down, but left his boxers on and gave you an indicator of how rough he wanted it, stating that he was tense.

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