Chapter 43: Our Galaxy Part Five

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After an uneventful drive home, as you took a nap in the car— since it was the evening and you had been out and about all day— Aaron woke you up by brushing back your hair and whispering that you were home, then gently rocked you to rouse you quicker. You blinked back the bleariness in your eyes after looking around in confusion, temporarily forgetting your surroundings. But you remembered soon enough and made your way back in when your boyfriend rounded the car and held his arm out to you after you got out.

There wasn't much else to do, so you decided to end the night with a movie— you just hoped you wouldn't fall asleep.

It would be a nice way to end the night, and as you sat on the sofa, scrolling through Netflix as your boyfriend microwaved some popcorn with the both of you in pajama attire, you realized that the thought was true.

Aaron joined you on the couch as you picked Pride and Prejudice. Anything with Keira Knightley was bound to be good and you had had the movie on your "To Be Watched" list for a while now. Plus, period pieces were always great to get in touch with your feelings, either swooning at the chivalrous actions, raging at the misogyny, laughing at the secondhand embarrassment and overall observing the drama.

There was a long exposition, so it wasn't long before the popcorn dwindled down to the uncooked kernels. You kept your eyes on the TV, but you could tell the snack was getting low by how far you had to stick your hand inside. You felt cheeky after today's events, and used your lack of looking at the bag to your advantage. Using your peripherals, you waited until your boyfriend's hand was inside the bag before reaching in as well, pretending that his hand was the popcorn and bringing it to your mouth.

You thought it was going to be a quick and harmless prank, but as soon as his hand was between your teeth, something was awakened inside of you.

Cuteness aggression was a topic Spencer had explained to you on several occasions, and once you had accidentally joked that that's why some people picked on him. The results of that interaction were, conflicting, to say the least. But you tried to never joke about him being made fun of or his past after that, and he let you know how much he appreciated your gesture.

"Y/N?" Aaron asked, "What are you-- Why?"

He tried pulling his hand away, but you held on more firmly and shook your head. Rationally, there was no reason for you to do this, but there was a primal instinct that rendered you incapable of easily letting go. He looked at you, and you chewed gently on the meat of his palm, staring back at him.

"Are you going to let go of me yet? I don't understand--"

"'Cause you're cute," you mumbled around his hand. "Need I say more?"

He nodded, looking at you with complete seriousness, "Yes. Please, elaborate."

"Okay, fine... So 'cuteness aggression' is when an organism has the overwhelming urge to be aggressive when faced with something cute, hence the name." You swallowed the spit gathering in your mouth and casually chewed as you figured out how to explain further. "But it's usually harmless and it usually means that they're just going to be more caring about the cute thing they saw. That's why people want to squeeze cute things, in a hug, of course, and sometimes it's playful things. I've heard other people feel like biting, and I just found out I like to bite. Cute man, bite man. Nom nom." You chewed on his hand again for emphasis, baring your teeth around his flesh.

"I see, must be why you love to leave hickeys everywhere on me, sweetheart," he teased in a light tone. You rolled your eyes but nodded. It did make sense, now that you thought about it. "The question now is..."

Aaron didn't finish his sentence, instead leaning over and biting your neck with the intent of making it bruise. You gasped at the force of him sucking on your neck, and he easily stole his hand away from your mouth as he continued marking your skin. It was difficult to hold back your whimpers as his bite bordered on painful, but he was soon laving the bruise with his tongue and you couldn't help but moan.

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