Chapter 2: Orbit

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Call it old fashioned, but by some miracle, both you and Aaron preferred to talk instead of text, though you did send him a good morning and good night text when he was busy with a case. Conversation came easy, and it was so stereotypical, but time flew as you got to know him.

At first, it was just the customary conversation as you met up to train in the mornings. You lamented with good nature about another workout, joking around with Agent Hotchner. You still hadn't gotten around to telling him you were also an FBI Agent, but you wanted to save that tidbit for when you, hopefully, went on an actual date. No need to scare him away in the early stages, right?

You had met Aaron in the middle of October, and as it was now approaching a new month, you were a bit disappointed he hadn't made a move yet. You knew he was at least interested in you, so you didn't push it as you were new to romantic relationships in general. So far, it had been two and a half weeks of bike riding and running, but today was the first time you were both free long enough to practice swimming.

Wearing the recommended tri-suit, which was a compression suit that resembled a tank top and shorts, you were glad it at least kept your midsection covered as you weren't the most comfortable showing off your body. You were supposed to meet Aaron at the "Y", hopefully early enough to beat the public, but you had called ahead to reserve two lanes to be safe.

"Hey stranger," you heard the familiar voice call out to you as you unloaded your duffel, which contained your toiletries, spare clothes, and a towel.

You grinned, "Hey yourself." Turning to greet him, you hiked your bag onto your shoulder. "Ready to eat my dust? Swimming's something I've been doing for a while now."

Aaron held up his hands placatingly, returning your smile. "Hey now, you never know. Confident enough to bet breakfast?"

You felt your grin widen, and unless he was secretly an Olympic swimmer, you were sure to have this in the bag. "Am I ever, G-man. I've been eyeing this little breakfast place for a month or so 'cause I heard they make a mean omelette." You locked your car and headed to the entrance, bumping Aaron's shoulder as he fell in step with you.

He ducked his head, looking at you from the corner of his eye. Your heartbeat quickened as you pretended to not notice the way he smiled softly at you. As you approached the door, you bounced ahead the remaining few feet to open it and dropping into a dramatic bow, you curtsied.

"My liege." Aaron barked out a laugh, quickly returning the sentiment.

"Thank you, milady," he declared as he stepped inside and placed his hand against the door to hold it open for you.

The two of you passed through the main building, heading to the back for the outdoor pool. As you walked, you asked about the past few days since you'd seen him. Every so often, the back of his hand brushed against yours and you could barely hear what he was saying, the warmth across your knuckles being the only thing you could focus on.

Little did you know, Aaron was having the same problem. His neck stiffened the first time you made contact with him, heat blooming up his arm and down to his fingers. He didn't want to make it obvious that he was so affected by moving his hand away, so forced himself to remain neutral, even as he craved your touch and longed to just slip his hand into yours. You were so close, but he wasn't sure if it would be too fast for you, his brain overthinking to the point he stumbled on his words and furthered the blush creeping up his neck.

As you were both already suited up, you went to place your bag by the fence outlining the pool as you exited the building, toeing off your shoes as Aaron followed suit.

You saw him head to the pool. Without putting on sunscreen. In the blazing sun. Sure, it was cold, but the sun didn't stop shining just because Winter was on its way.

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