Chapter 39: Our Galaxy

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Things had been, well, not so great lately. You'd heard through Angela that Brennan had been on the run from some super genius named Christopher Pelant, and on the other hand, you found out from Dean that things just weren't going for him either. At all. Cas and Sam had gotten into some celestial mess that made the angel start calling himself Emmanuel and some satanic shit-- as in literal Lucifer-- was going on with Sam. You couldn't make sense of it-- which was saying something as a frequent experiencer of the freaky and demony. All you could do was offer your support to both parties, and hope that things would work out as they had for you.

Your mission was finally successful in whatever grand scheme your superiors wanted to happen, and you were allowed to return home. You missed your physical house, yes, but you were elated to finally have the chance to be back in Aaron's arms and not have to worry about being called away. It was already enough that he had a hectic schedule.

Aaron wanted to celebrate your return home, and it was decided that just having the full day to yourselves would be enough, where hopefully date type activities could actually be carried out without interruption. Since you had come home in the afternoon, around the time the BAU had returned from a case, Aaron shirked the paperwork that wasn't immediately needed and sped to your house to see you. It was then that you agreed to use the next day for the celebration, and your boyfriend slept over to make the most of what was now today, cuddled up next to you all last night, and sleeping all the way through the most peaceful night he'd ever had since you left.

You both slept in-- or tried to at least, until your neighbor started up his lawn mower at about nine in the morning.

You giggled as you woke up first, allowing you to see your boyfriend's face scrunching up before he grabbed his pillow and covered his head with it. You watched him with amusement as he turned on his side to better cover his ears, before huffing loudly and throwing his hands down, pillow still in his grasp.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine," rolling on your side to better face him, you yawned and he glared at you as he instinctively yawned in response. "Aw, don't be like that angel—"

Aaron rolled his eyes and wordlessly leaned forward to kiss you.

"What'd you want for breakfast," he rumbled in his morning voice. He scratched deftly at his jaw then felt the rest of his face as if he just noticed the scruff that was growing. "Hmm, have to shave soon, Jack doesn't like it when I grow a beard..."

You smiled softly as you remembered how far he was willing to for his son, then shook your head as you thought about what he said. "I don't feel super hungry yet, and I was thinking of grocery shopping. Maybe we can get stuff for breakfast and make something here? It's really up to you, if you're hungry now, we can go out and eat, or if you want to wait, we'll, you know."

"If we make a stop for some coffee first, we can go to the grocery store and I'll cook up something when we get back." Aaron rolled on his side to face you, throwing his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him in one smooth motion. He kissed you on the forehead, before peppering kisses across the rest of your face, whispering with his Virginian drawl. "I missed, you, so much, darlin'... I don't, want, you to leave, again... I know, it's mighty, selfish of me, but fuck, that was so hard, being away from you, for so long..."

As adorable as he was, and especially with his sweet words, you knew there would be some situations that were bigger than either of you, so you couldn't promise him to not leave. Even though you wanted to, so bad. However, you didn't think about that too deeply at the sensations he gave you.

His hand rested on your waist, nudging against the waistband of your pajama shorts, and you stifled your giggles as his stubble tickled you. Then, you remembered he wanted to get rid of it. You tilted your head in curiosity, "Can I try to shave you when we get back? Your face, I mean."

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