Chapter 5

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Author's note

There are topics in this chapter that is of a sensitive nature. Some views expressed in this chapter may offend sensitive readers.  

Chapter 5  

Sunday was not fun at all. I had to drive Gran Sophie everywhere she wanted to go. Sophie likes to talk a lot and does not have a filter on the things she says. We went out of town for the day. She was asking me questions where I would only give her one word answers and this was staring to piss her off. 

"Michelle this game you playing with me is not going to work. I am not going to stop. So please give me satisfying answers." 

I just rolled my eyes when she said this. "Fine but if I feel the question is intrusive. I am not going to answer you." 

She smirked and continued. "Fair enough. Oh yes before I forget. I was at Wall-Mart yesterday and ran into Cassandra. She told me her son Blake has returned." Gran Soph not you too! "If I'm not mistaken he was the one at the door last night wasn't he?"  

"Yes, it was him. He came to look for Jamal." I lied but I'd rather give a reason why before she asked for one. 

"Is that so? Well if he's hanging out with Jamal and his crew again then that time at that school didn't help much." 

"With his past what would you expect?" I said trying to stop the topic there. But from her tone I knew that she wasn't going to let it go so easy.  

"Yes but he's behaviour is common among boys with absentee fathers." Sounded like she was defending him. "I was actually surprised he didn't talk to you a little bit longer because he if remember correctly. He was always talking to you."  

I frowned I had to ask "what gave you that idea?"  

She sighed, "I remember one day when you and Travis went to visit that boy that lives across the street from me. What's he's name again? Oh yes Jermaine. He was the whole time outside watching you guys and from the looks of it he wasn't happy." 

I scowled she always noticed things that weren't any of her business. I just shook my head. 

"Oh well from what Cassandra told me he hasn't given her any problems yet. Oh yes and I knew I forgot something. She told me to say hi to you and you asked me to ask you to bake her your delicious chocolate cake for Thursday night because she's having a book club meeting. She tried to call you but the number she has goes straight to voicemail. She also came by the house yesterday but you weren't there. I hope you don't mind but I gave her the number I have." 

Fuck my life! I was grinding my teeth and tightened my hands around the steering wheel. There's a reason I changed my number. Gran Soph's constant talking was also making things worse. 

"You know she gave me the impression that she was upset that she lost contact with you. She would always ask John how you were and tell him to tell you should visit. However John would say it wasn't a good idea because you're a senior now and you don't even have time for yourself." 

Go Dad! I'm definitely going to thank him by cooking his favourite dish tonight.  

We came back at around three in the afternoon. I changed and got started cooking dad's favourite dish. He came into kitchen when he smelt what I was making.  

He smiled when he came in. "and what did I do to get spoilt tonight?" 

"I heard of how you have been stalling Cassandra these past few months. Thank you!" He smirked and shook his head at the same time. I looked at him and realised how my mother got so weak in her knees all those years ago. Thinking about it she would always play Weak by SWV when they were alone and thought I was asleep. I smiled at the memory. He noticed my smile and asked "what?"  

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