Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 

I was watching the natural beauty of the lake. The birds, trees and the water. A movement next to me interrupted my thoughts and I smiled at the person. Blake was busy unpacking the picnic bag he had brought with. It was thoughtful. I had already eaten but I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I would eat what he bought. I needed to exercise this week.  

He handed me a sandwich and soda. We ate and I waited for him to speak.  

He cleared his throat and scratch his head. He's being doing that a lot when he speaks to me.  

'So where was I before you tried to seduce Me.' he asked but his eyes darkened. 

'Seduce you? I was just giving you a little payback. Gran Sophie told me that you were in my room Friday. Do you know how creepy that is? That literally spells out stalker.' 

He rolled his eyes 'you're beautiful when you sleep.'  

It was my turn to roll my eyes I knew how I looked when I sleep. My cousins took my picture once and I didn't even recognise myself.  

'No really you do.' He then waited a bit and asked 'you schemed with mother didn't you? I should be angry but I get it now. We're even now so no more tricks from either of us.' 


'Where did you get that top and do you have more of those?' he smirked. 

'Where I got I can't tell you and yes there's more that was the decent one.' 

His eyebrow lifted 'decent one? I guess I have lots to look forward to.'  

I frowned when he said that, 'err... that's not one the cards yet, Blake.' 

'I know but with a bit of patience and a little shuffling here and there and a few more rounds. It will be. Like I said I've got patience and after last night I know what's waiting for me.' 

I shook my head and I asked, 'what if it's too long?'  

'It will never be too long with you.' it was sincere but cheesy. I wondered how Lisa would rip this into shreds. 

He got serious and spoke, 'Michelle I know you said that you don't care about what people say or think of you, but I care. What would your father say if he heard people calling your friendship a threesome?'  

I thought about that he would be upset but I would explain myself and would understand my actions. So I told Blake that. 

'He would understand he's very reasonable. I'm a bit like him you know. My chilled, I don't care persona does come from him.'  

'You really see him as your father?' 

I smiled when I thought of John 'I do! He's the best. I'm lucky to have had such a good father figure in my life. Many people say in a girl's life her mother is more important but I feel a father figure is just as important.' After I said that. I realised I was a bit insensitive to Blake. 'I'm sorry I wasn't thinking' 

'No, no don't worry I'm happy for you and I've come to realise that my father does not only have to be my father figure. I realised I had my brother, my uncles and my granddad so I think I'm sorted. At least I know what not to do when I'm a parent.' 

'I get that, it's same with me in regards to a mother figure. I miss my mom I do. I think about her every day. But I'm sorted with Gran Letitia and Gran Sophie.' 

'Oh yeah, Gran Sophie.' We laughed. 

'Yes she's a character but if wasn't for her. I believe I would be really messed up.' 

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