Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 

Feeling the warmth running down my body. Relaxing my muscles. Every spot it touched was pure bliss. I looked up and felt the warmth dripping on my face. I sighed and took a step back and opened my eyes. The steam was thick that I almost couldn't see in front of me. I put my hands on the wall and bowed my head. I was looking at the tiles on the floor and closed my eyes.

My hands were still against the wall and the water was dripping down my back. I heard a zipper unzip and heard the pants drop on the floor. I then heard shoes being thrown one side. I heard footsteps approach me.  

I tensed. I then felt him behind me. He didn't do anything but just stood there. I heard his sharp intake of breath. His hand touched my hair, then down my neck and my back. It stopped at my hipbone and then on my ass. I felt him squeeze it and gave it slap. I rolled my eyes. 

'You better not be rolling your eyes, Babe.' Blake said and slapped it again but then gave it a massage. I took deep breath and bit my lip. 'Yes that's what I want to hear.' He came closer moved my hair away and kissed my shoulder. His other hand was on my breast rubbing it gently. I moaned and turned my face so that he could kiss me on the lips. He took his other hand away from my ass and placed it in between my legs. He started playing guitar, as he liked to call it, with me. 

After a while he stopped and whispered in my ear. 'I want to do something different.' 

I sighed and whispered back, 'like what?'  

'Let me show.' His hand moved to my hips and he pulled me closer to him and I felt his friend spike, poke my ass. He lifted my leg slightly and spike started rubbing me where his hand was previously. I moaned, but I shook my head.  

'Why not?' he whined. But his whine sounded sexy. 

'It's been a while. A year and half? I'm going get sore.' I said.  

He took a frustrated breath, 'I'll be gentle. I always was.' 

'I know, but you've grown a lot. You're too big now. You're going to hurt me and I've heard of people injuring themselves badly because they were getting it on in the shower.' I moaned, 'plus you're not wearing a condom.' He didn't need to know about my implant yet. 

'Who says I'm not wearing one.'  

I looked down at spike and saw the bubble tip of the condom and frowned. 'Isn't the hot water going to melt it or make it slip out or something?  

He groaned, 'I'll be careful with you and I got backups. Look,' I did and saw a few condoms and a purple bottle on the ground. 

'What's the bottle for?' I asked. 

He tightened his grip on my hips and sighed in frustrated. 'It's lube. It's going to help so that you don't feel pain. Now come on spike's waiting.' He pushed again and I moaned. 'I'll take that as a yes.' 

He let go of me and went to the bottle and opened it and poured it on his fingers. 'Turn around,' and I did. I felt his finger enter and felt him rub the cool liquid. I felt uncomfortable. is he even doing this right and how does he know this? I tensed when I realised. He's experienced that's why.  

He noticed but took my tension for something else, 'hey, relax babe. Spread your legs slowly so you don't slip and don't tighten up like that.'  

He was done and put the bottle down. He turned me, spread and lifted my one leg up and entered from behind. 

He sucked his breath, 'hmm... Michelle...'''

'Michelle!' then I heard knocking, 'Hey. Get out. You're using up all the hot water I need to shower as well.' Jamal yelled behind the bathroom door. I groaned and was about to yell back when he said, 'someone's knocking at the front. When I come back I want to hear the shower off.'  

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