Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 

Jason, Josh and I was in the library busy doing research for our various assignments. Jason was also helping me as he had done the assignment last year. I had been very busy these past few weeks. Life for a senior was not easy. I rarely had time for myself these days. Even though we had different assignments our assignments had to be in on Friday. I still had two days left. I really hated when it near the end of term. Tests, assignments, orals, etc. 

I should be happy because we going for break but somehow Billy from the restaurant I use to work had persuaded my dad to let me work this holiday. At least Jermaine was working with me. Jermaine and I worked part time at billy's restaurant as cooks. Jason and Josh were going away for the holiday. I a bit sad about that. I am definitely going to miss them.  

Lisa had informed us that our trio was being called 'The Threesome'. She said it had to do with our closeness. Whatever! Our friendship is strictly platonic. I had brought up the subject to the two of them and they had told me convincingly that they see me only as a friend. I told them I felt the same and didn't see any disappointment on their faces when I said that. They had no problem with that and anyway I belong with Blake so why do they want to mess with that. These guys are something else.  

It had been a month since Blake and I had talked at the lake. When we saw one another we would talk but it was usually small talk. Nothing serious. It was easier being around him but I noticed that lately he was very irritable. I saw him one day glaring at the three of us during lunch.  

The bell rang ending lunch so we packed our bags and went to class. Josh and I had English and I forgot what Jason had. Josh and ii arrived in class and took our seats. I took out my books and waited. Jaime-Leigh entered and I noticed she was really quiet these days. She was still bitchy but her normal bitchy. I wonder what's going on there.  

After a while Blake and friends entered but he looked real pissed off about something. At that moment Lisa can took her seat and I turned my attention to her.  

'What up stranger? Where were you lunch? She asked. 

'The threesome was in the library busy with our assignments.' I replied. She laughed and we noticed how Owen shook in surprise when I said that. Yes we know what you guys are calling us. 

'I hate near end of term I'm busy these days. Are you going to the end of term dance?' I rolled my eyes when she asked that. 

'No I'm not going that doesn't interest me. But I'll still have to pay.' There was this requirement of seniors to still pay for fund raising events. Even if we weren't attending. 

'I knew you would say that, but I'll tell you something else later'. She said when Blake came to take his seat. We greeted him and turned our attention to Mr Smith.  

After school Lisa had caught up with Jason, Josh and myself.  

'Hey guys as you know its end of term dance and I know you are not attending. But would you be interested in attending a secret party being held the same time as the dance.'  

Josh answered, 'what you guys think? I'm game.'  

Jason and I nodded.  

'Good I'll give you more details later. See yah!' she said and walked off.  

A secret party, I like!

It was Friday and when I gave in my assignment I felt a burden being released. I put a lot of effort into it. It was lunch and Jermaine was sitting with us today. With him we probably a 'foursome' as well. Lately our clothing and appearances have changed this past month. So today my clothes were tight and you could I made an effort.  

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