fifteen || Smells Like Teen Spirit

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Didn't wanna wake you. Let me know when you wake up. - Miguel.

Last night was definitely interesting. We were watching movies and I was nervous as hell with Miguel right next to me, so close that way.

But then I woke up to him awake during the middle of the night and I wasn't nervous anymore. With him conversation is so easy.

I like him. Really like him!

All I kept thinking while we laid there is how much I really wanted to kiss him.

However I'm glad we didn't, with my morning breath!

Not cute.

   The more we spend time together, the more I get attached and that scares me. I've never been in love before and I can't imagine falling for someone who won't love me back.

   It terrifies me.

   He hates talking about his past. I'm not stupid, I notice how tense he gets. I'm not gonna pressure him to talk about it. But it doesn't mean that I'm not curious.

   My clock reads 12:27 PM.

   But I'm not ready to get out of bed.

   Alice won't be home till sometime after 5 so I'm in no rush to wake up.

   I turn my laptop on so I can watch some Netflix. I keep forgetting to go get me a tv. Maybe I'll actually do that today.

   After I settle on a show, I grab my phone and order some food to be delivered.

   While I sit and wait, I stare at my phone, contemplating on calling my mom. I talk to her almost every other day with her horrible work schedule and my school one. Right now she'll be getting ready to go into work, so I can still catch her.

   Not over thinking anymore, I push on the call button and listen for the ringing to begin. Just after two rings she picks up. "Baby!" I hear her comforting voice on the other side of the phone. "Everything okay?"

   "Yes. I just missed you."

   "My baby, I miss you too! So does Luna and Midnight."

   Oh my gosh! My cats! She reminds me and my eyes instantly water.

   I miss home.

   "Mom! Don't say that. I don't wanna cry!"

   She chuckles. "What are you up to?"

   "Nothing. I'm laying in bed about to watch Vampire Diaries while I wait for my food to arrive."

   "Wow! Don't have too much fun."

   I chuckle. "I stayed up late last night so I have no energy this morning."

   That quickly catches her attention. "Oooh. Late doing what?"

   "Watching movies."


   I sigh before answering and smile to myself. "With a friend."

   "Are you being safe?"

   I begin to choke on my own saliva. "Seriously mom?! I'm not having sex with him!"

   My mom begins to laugh. "I'm simply advising you baby. Sex most of the time isn't planned, it just occurs. How do you think you happened?"

   Instantly I curse myself for calling her and telling her about my movie date.

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