chapter fifty one || drews interlude

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I'm getting called to testify against a guy who I once considered a friend. Who I helped out through a lot. Just so he can come back and slap me in the face with this.

My mom passed away from leukemia when I was only sixteen years old. She left behind three kids. My older sister Karina and younger sister Bianca. My dad had to raise us the rest of the way all on his own. Both my parents were cool people. We were never rich with money growing up but we were rich with love. I love my family more than anything and I couldn't imagine someone hurting my sisters in such a horrifying way.

That's not the man Diana and Andrew Cervantes raised. I was taught to respect women always. My parents fried into our brains the importance of values.

When Colt joined our team, he was an amazing player. His skills were off the chain. Just what we needed a hockey beast like him. He didn't tell us why he had got transferred from his other school until a female spoke out about him. But he put on a straight face and said that it was all bullshit because she was tryna get money out of him. Being surrounded by rich kids you learn a few things: One, thirsty people will try to frame you with something only to take your money. Two: Rich people will do anything to cover up their dirty shit. Pay off as many people as possible. So moral of the story: never trust anyone.

I made that mistake. I trusted Colt. We became close and I saw how women threw themselves at him. Left and right they came after him. So yeah, I believed him. There was no way this charming, good looking hockey God is gonna need to rape a female when they all fall to his feet.

Boy was I in for a rude awakening.

"Your full name please." The lawyer demands. They have me sitting in a small meeting room at the courthouse. I'm not sure how this whole process will go I'm just hoping not to see Colt or Dzi ever again.

"Andrew Cervantes Jr." I answer.

Miguel and Violet have the same lawyer. Which I guess makes things easier for everyone. I only need to be interviewed this once.

The lawyer gives me a nod, along with a forced smile while he types on his computer. I can practically smell the judgment radiating from him and everyone in this office. Assuming I'm here to defend my hockey pal and that I might've had something to do with it.

"Alright Andrew, I was told you had some words you wanted to share with me about Colt?" His smile is a bit smug. "So tell me about your friend Colt Dimitri and his actions regarding that night."

"Everything seemed normal at first. We arrived at the party and hung out with our crew. I guess, what really didn't sit right with me was when a friend-" I say using air quotes. "Nicole arrived. She's never big on hanging out at frat house parties. She's uptight most of the time so that was a red flag for me."

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