chapter thirty five || dear, violet

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LAST DAYS OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ARE always the worst. The mall was ridiculously packed. Most of my shopping I did online but there were a few things I still need from the stores.

   Originally the plan was to have an early Christmas with Miguel and the guys. But since we broke up I'll just give Johnny all their gifts and he can take them on my behalf.

   "I love how we only needed a few things and we bought like the whole mall." Alice scoffs as she pulls out all her bags from the back of my jeep.

   Struggling with my bags I laugh. "Shopping is therapeutic." I defend. "Now we're less stressed."

Alice laughs. "Oh for sure."

Ever since Wednesday night at Flips that I saw Miguel, has been a little more harder. He wouldn't even look at me. I saw him two more times after that on campus but I ran the other way completely trying to avoid him.

I've now turned to online shopping and just shopping in general really to help with the healing. Also I deep cleaned our suite and it is now spotless.

We struggle some more to get in the elevator with all our bags and people shoot us some crazy looks. Since I started dating Miguel and Alice started hanging out with Johnny, most girls don't wanna talk to us anymore. That includes Gina and her friends. They pass us by the hall like nothing.

As we approach our suite door theirs a stick note stuck to our door. "Package for Storm downstairs with security." I sigh. "I'll set my things down and then go get my package." I tell Alice and she nods.

I run inside and situate some of the shopping bags I bought. Most of them are gifts but a lot of the things I got are also mostly just for me.

"You think we have enough wrapping paper and gift bags?" Alice asks.

"I think they should be enough." I respond. "I'll be right back."

The elevator doors open an I walk in alone, when another voice shouts "Hold the door!" And I push the button for the door to open up again.

Gina, Alyson and another girl walk in wearing their cheer outfits. The girls double look at me and then exchange looks amongst themselves. "Oh, hello Vi." Alyson says in her pretend sweet voice.

"Hello." I smile and look back into my phone.

"How's Miguel?" Gina asks. And I look up to find a smug smile on her face.

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