chapter thirty two || drowning my sorrows

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A WHOLE TWO WEEKS HAVE PASSED. More like two weeks and a half. I haven't heard or spoke to Miguel.

After the massive blow up over not wearing a condom, he didn't care to stop me nor come after me. Johnny was kind enough to bring me back to my room. Embarrassment took over when I broke down in his car on the way to my dorm room. Truth hit me hard there. I'm irrevocably in love with him and he'd just broke my heart.

With everything that had been going on, I was in cloud nine with my super hot ex boyfriend that even school work was fun. And now—it literally took me almost two days to finally finish this stupid paper.

The first week—few days—I was somewhat equal to a zombie. I only showered, slept and attended classes. The style was leggings, vans and band t-shirts. Minimal makeup and my hair was straight. I became everything I hated. A girl crying over her ex.

I would like to sit here and shit talk Miguel. Call him names and say he's trash and I'm that dumb ass bitch who fell for the school jerk but it's nothing like that and that's what kills the most.

Miguel surprised me. He's not your average superficial jock. There was so much more to him. From the beginning I underestimated him and boy was that a slap in the face. He's actually a kind person. Loyal to his friends and family. The way he cared for me and went over the moon to make sure I was safe and okay. That is who Miguel is.

Alice barges into my room in a tight fancy all black sweater dress, with black pantyhose and thigh high boots. Her hair is neatly and perfectly curled. "The truth, does this look okay?" She turns around giving me the full effect of her look. "Like it looks kind of nice or conservative?"

I let out a chuckle. "You look great. Sexy and sophisticated. Why does it matter?"

"Miss Susans lawyer called me. She wants me to meet her downstairs in fifteen minutes. I'm afraid that something might've happened or that she wants to...I don't know possibly remove the financial help Miss Susan left me." The worries and fear in her eyes is evident. "I would literally have to become a stripper to be able to afford this university if she takes away the financial help."

"She's not taking away the help. Maybe Miss Susan left you some of her valuable things before she passed. Like jewelry or pictures. Who knows."

Alice nods rapidly. "You're right. She probably left me her favorite china dishes."

"Exactly. Think positive and happy thoughts."

"Yes. Yes. You're absolutely right." She smiles and heads out of my room only to stroll right back in. "Don't forget tonight,Cass and his friend Leah are coming over. Oh and I invited Jay."

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