chapter forty nine || home

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that are still refusing to let me out of here has been a treat.

When I was sixteen I got sent to juvenile for a few hours for disruptive behavior but sitting in this small cell at the sheriffs department is definitely a totally different experience.

Colts parents are very rich and powerful people apparently. That's how he's been able to get away with so many things. They're the ones insisting on pressing charges for beating the living shit out of the rapist of a son.

Gladly, I'd do it again.

However they weren't counting on Violet's dad being a cop and her aunt being a lawyer. Nor that my dad has so many connections and also an amazing lawyer. Plus there are about a dozen witnesses so I'm guessing it's not gonna be so easy this time.

I haven't spoken or seen Violet since the bonfire. It's been two days. If I'm being honest, I prefer it that way. I can't face her yet. God knows what she thinks has happened between Nicole and I or if she blames me for all of it. I'm stuck here unable to do anything about it except torture myself with all my thoughts. I've spent all this time trying so hard to protect my relationship from my past, yet in one night the biggest regret of my life appeared to me only to destroy it.

"Son," My dad comes over to my cell. "Finally, the paperwork is being processed and in a couple hours you'll be free to go." He informs me.

I sigh, leaning my head back against the wall. "I don't even care." I whisper.

My dad let's out a hard sigh. "Don't do that! Not now, not ever! Don't you give up like that. It's a very fucked up situation-I'll admit but you can't just assume it's over." His words mean well but I've already put Violet in hurtful situations because of my past with Nicole. She won't wanna be with me anymore.

"I just don't see her forgiving me for this one."

"But you didn't do anything?" He scoffs. "It's not like you knew that Nicole was there stalking you and that Violet was gonna go through that!" He points out.

"But I stayed dad. If I had just walked away from Nicole then-"

"No! I'm sorry but you're wrong!" He raises his voice. "You will not be blamed for this! We love Violet, she's a wonderful girl but if she can't see the actual truth and tries to hold you accountable for something that was out of your control, then I'm sorry Miguel but she's not the right girl."

My dad is right. I love Violet with all my heart but I can't be held responsible for this. None of it was my fault. I never would've let anything like this happen to her or anyone.

Vi is a very understanding and forgiving person. And I do realize that it isn't my fault what happened but that doesn't mean that she won't be triggered or reminded of that situation she was put in by being with me. And that I can and do understand, no matter how hurtful it may be.

Hours later, I'm finally being released. Apparently there was a person who had full evidence of everything that happened and I'm in the clear until we have court.

After I sign what feels like a thousand papers, I walk outside the jail building, desperately needing some fresh air. It's almost dark outside and all I wanna do is get home to shower. My parents still have some figuring out to do with the lawyer.

But I'm startled when I see Violet sitting alone on a bench just outside by the sidewalk. She looks calm considering what happened. Though her cuffed sweats, t-shirt, vans and lack of makeup tell me otherwise.

Her eyes remain focused on me. Still, I march slowly up to her. I'm afraid of what is going down from here. What she's gonna say. How this moment will define our relationship.

I take a seat next to her. Both of us sitting here for a few minutes in completely silence.

Truth is I don't even know what to say. Im not gonna ask her how she's doing or feeling because I can only imagine that she isn't feeling any good or pleasant feelings about what she had to go through.

I clear my throat and open my mouth but no words come out. I can't even look at her.

This time when she turns to face me, her eyes are full of tears just waiting to spill out. My heart tugs at the pain I can see she's feeling.

"Where were you?" She finally asks, sniffling and full on sobbing. "With her?" And I nod. I hate to see her cry.

"She ambushed me outside by the truck. I didn't know she was gonna be there." I say truthfully. "She wanted to talk but there was nothing I wanted to hear."

"So nothing happened?"

"She kissed me." I don't lie. Nicole kissed me. Even though I didn't respond to her kiss, she still needs to know.

Violet wipes her face, more tears still coming out. "Do you love her?"

"No." I sigh. "Vi, I'm in love with you and I didn't need to see Nicole again for me to know this. I'll admit a part of me wanted closure but it was never a choice for me. Nicole is my past and that's how it will stay."

I place my hand on the back of her head and she leans into my touch. "I'm so sorry baby for what happened! I should've stayed with you in that damn line-" but Violet puts her finger over my mouth.

"You have nothing to apologize for! That wasn't on you!" She sniffles. "Sometimes certain things have to happen in order for other things to fall into place. And that's out of our control."

I can't help but to grin at her words. No one deserves to go through any type of sexual assault. But Violet somehow finding a positive to this situation sure is something to admire. And that's what I live about her. Colt got caught trying to rape her now thanks to that, he'll hopefully be dealt with the proper way and this could also help the other women who accused him of it before find their peace and closure.

"Can we go home now?" Violet asks.

Home. I smile at her choice of words. We don't exactly live together but pretty much we are always together and we never sleep apart anymore. I guess, I don't see place as a home but her. She's home to me. And I wanna be wherever she is.

I nod. "Let's go home."


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