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"Did we get'em boss?" Tony asked hopeful. The case that the team had been working on for over a month might actually be shut.

"He confessed DiNozzo." Gibbs said. Petty officer Mary Kampala had been murdered by being brutally stabbed multiple times with a switch blade.

The man who had found her body, Brant Evertruth, was covered in blood. He had said that he tried to help her.

He had killed her. She had an affair with his wife, who was killed in a hit and run.

"Go home." Gibbs said. Tony and mcGee shot up. Ziva on the other hand slowly stood up and grabbed her bag.

"Who wants to go out for drinks? There on me." Tony said slowly walking to the elevator.

"Gunna have to rain check Tony. Sarah called and wants to stay at my place." Mcgee explained.

Ziva grabbed her bag and light jacket and shook her head. "Not tonight Tony." She softly said.

Mcgee was already in the elevator and started it down. Tony was leaning on the thin barrier watching his partner.

She isn't acting right. Thought Tony.

"Come on. After this long of a case we need to relax." He begged.

Ziva sighed and made her way around her desk and toward the elevator. It has been exactly 6 years that she had been kidnapped by Salem. She let him get her. She is worth nothing. No one wants her. Not even a tarriest.

Tony jumped into the elevator after her. "Please."

"No," she said more strongly.

"Please! Please? Pleasssseee?!" He begged.

Ziva sighed and looked him straight in his emerald green eyes. "One drink."

An hour later and 4 drinks in, tony and Ziva were laughing. Ziva was more drunk then Tony. He thought he might be able to get something out of her.

"Why were you upset earlier?" He asked slightly slurring.

"Umm, well, its been like 6 years since salem," Ziva slurred. "And like no one wants me." She had no idea what she was saying.

A few more drinks in Tony and Ziva were drunk.

"Wanna dance with meeee?" Tony asked slurring.

"Yessss..." Ziva laughed.

Tony lightly grabbed the fragile Israelis hand and led her to the dance floor. A slow song came on and Ziva rested her head on Tonys chest.

"Wanna take this hommmmeee?" Ziva asked looking up qt Tony and smiling at him.

"Sure!" Tony slurred. He paid his tab and stumbled out of the bar into a taxi.

"Heyy, Steve!" Tony said halfway recognizing the driver.

"Its Parker Mr. DiNozzo." The driver said pulling out.

When Parker got Ziva and Tony at Tonys apartment, he had heard the whole story of Gibbs ex-wifes' story.

When tony got his door open, and Ziva stopped giggling, he pushed her onto his soft light brown leather couch. He was on top of her passionately kissing her.

"Ziva, I..." Tony slurred between kisses. Ziva reaked of alcohol, but it just made him want her more.

"What Tony??" She breathed.

"I love you. Always have."

Next chapter. Need ideas. Thanks. Love you all.


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