For the Kid pt. 1

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"Let the girl go!" Tony yelled at serial killer that had a strong hold on a brunet chick.

"Put the gun down." He ordered shaking the girl exposing her recked face. Ziva.

-A week earlier-

Its nothing, thought Ziva as she was on her morning jog. She thought that she had saw that white Plumbers van before but he mind has been very scrambled lately.

Her now one year old kid, Maddie, was growing and starting to waddle around the apartment. Watching her is hard enough. But there is also a serial killer that is kidnapping women and keeping them for weeks torturing... Violating them until he gets board with them and kills them.

He made the mistake though to grabbing a female pettie officer Janet Fairgreen.

Janet was found two days ago in a shallow grave by a hiking trail.

Since Ziva was in deep thought she did not see that two men had emerged from the van and opened the back up as she started to get close. A man with a handgun jumped out and pointed it at Ziva.

Damn! Wheres my gun... Apartment... She thought to herself as she slid to a stop and raised her hands. Her knife was around her ankle but she could not get to it. Rule number 40, If you think someone is out to get you, They are.

One man came around her and pushed her to the van. She tried to refuse but the man with the gun just hit her on the side of her head, not hard enough to knock her out but just to make her woozy.

It was 0545 and almost no one was out this early in a Monday. The man behind her pushed her into the white van.

-back at the Apartment-

"Come-on Maddie!" Called Tony from her little bedroom, prepareing her dipper bag.

"Daddy!!" She giggled as she wobbled into the room. "Mommy?"

"Mommy not here." Tony answered. Maddie frowned and ran up to Tony and hugged his leg. "She will be back soon." He said kneeling down to her height.

"Abby!!" She giggled excited to see her Aunt.

"Lets call mommy." Tony said wipping out his smart phone.

It rang and rang. He started to worry.

Finally someone picked up.

"Ziva? Where are you?" He asked calming down.

"Im sorry." A deep bellowing voice said. Tonys heart literally stopped. "Your Ziva can not get to the phone. Go to your daughter and tell her that Mommys not coming back." The voice said before hanging up.

Tony lunged for his daughter that was sitting in front of him playing with a Hot-Wheels car and a My Little Pony.

"Its time to go squirt..." Tony said acting like everything was fine.

"Mommy?" She said worriedly.

"Mommy is not going with us." He said picking her up and the dipper bag.

He jogged into the living room and slid her into her booster/ car seat carry and then ran back into their bedroom. He was panicing knowing about the current case. He opened the safe and pulled his weapon and credits out. Zivas were still in the same spot that she left them the night before.

He charged into the NCIS bullpen carrying the carseat and bag.

"GIBBS!!" He yelled after setting Maddie down.

"What?!" Barked Gibbs.

"Ziva has been kidnapped." The words quaked on his lips. Maddie giggled to her mothers name.

"Maddie goes down to Abby. TIMES TICKEN!!" He yelled running up the stirs to the directors office.

"McGee trace the last call from my phone. I called her and the 'napper picked up!" Tony babbled as he jogged to the elevator.

"Abby!" Yelled Tony. "ABBY!"

The music was blasting.

"Abby!" Mimicked Maddie.

"Oh so sorry guys." Abby said turning off the music. She then kneeled down let Maddie run up to her.

"Zivas been kidnapped." Tony said when Abby stood up with Maddie in her arms.

"Ima!" She giggled. "Mommy!"

"W-What?" She shook.

"It looks like she was taken on her jog." Tony said.

"Mommy?" Maddie asked.

"Shes not here. You will see her soon!" Abby said. Abby used her free arm to move some shinny brown hair out of the kids face.

"I hope it has nothing to do with the case," tony whispered to Abby as he patted his kids back.

"Me too," Abby said. She walked into her office and set Maddie down where sone of her toys were.

"DNA...fingerpints... Bood" babbled Maddie. As she hugged bert.

"Go find her." Abby ordered.

"I will. I will for the kid." Tony said pointing at Maddie.

OMG SOOO SORRY FOR NO UPDATE IN A WHILE!! I promise i will be updating more since i have this story and a few others lined up! If you have ANY IDEAS PLEASE TELL ME!!!

Sorry for you the cliff hanger!

Please read my new story called "The New Agent"

**maddie is not my name. I needed a good name and that is what i came up with BTW.**




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