Undercover Lover pt. 2

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They arived at their house about an hour later. They grabbed their bags and walked into the small, but roomy house.

"So what do you think?" Tony asked plopping his bag next to the closset.

"Not bad, I suppose." Ziva said walking into the small house.

"Really?" He joked walking into the kitchen. "Hey Zi, theres a full kitchen. I know how much you love to cook."

"Yea," she said not listening to what he was saying.

"You wanna watch a move, Sweet Cheeks?" He asked.

"I have a better idea," she whispered walking over to him.

"Oh, okey!" Tony smiled getting the idea on what she was implying.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled in him for a kiss. He wrapped his on around her waist and pushed her onto the couch. He landed softly on top of her without breaking the kiss.

"Tony," she moaned as he planted little kissed down her soft neck.

When his lips meant hers one again, Ziva flipped him over so she was now on top.

They sat up. Tonys hair was a rats nest but he had a huge smile on his face. She grabbed the TV remote and turned on a movie. Ziva leaned her head on Tonys shoulder and he wrapped his arm around the tough but also very fragile Israeli.

"What time is it sweet checks?" Tony asked.

Ziva looked at her watch. "1745," She answered.

"You want to go out?" Tony asked looking at Ziva.

"Sure, it looks like I'm getting dressed up for you tonight!" She teased grabbing her bag and heading for the bedroom.

She came back out 15 minutes later and Tony looked up and his eyes grew at the sight of his "wife."

"Wow." Was all he managed to say as he watched her every move. She was wearing a tight, short black dress that was accompanied by black leather high heals. Her hair was down and flowing around her shoulders.

Tony was ready other than his hair. He ran in past Ziva and gelled his hair into its normal spiky self.

They put in their ear wigs and left to the restaurant that their target frequently visits.

"This is beautiful," Ziva said walking next to Tony to their table.

When they were done they headed to the bar where there targets go.

They ordered drinks and sat neat to there targets. After some small talk, Tony and Ziva started to act drunk. (They weren't though) they said goodbye to Max and Sarah and stumbled out of the bar.

They walked to their car and drove back to their house.

"Ugg! That was not what i was hoping for!" Tony complained.

"How would you make the night better ziva asked softly walking toward him.

"This," he said before smashing his soft

Lips on hers. He picked her up bridle style and carried her into the bedroom without breaking the kiss.

He laid her down and laid on top of her. She grasped his shirt collar and yanked it ripping off all the buttons in the process.

A few hours later Tony and Ziva were half asleep. "I love you, my little hairy Butt," Ziva whispered softly.

"I love you too Ziva." Tony whispered before falling into a deep sleep.

Hope you liked it. I kinda rushed it. I had no idea on where i was going with this story! Please comment with suggestions!!




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