Undercover Lover pt. 1

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"David. DiNozzo. Elevator. Now!" Ordered Gibbs. Tony and Ziva glanced at each other as they followed him into the elevator.

When the elevator started moving, Gibbs flipped the switch. "I need to two to go undercover."

"What? Where?" Asked Ziva. Remembering what happened in Paris.

"In DC." Explained Gibbs.

"Why? We dont have an open case." Tony said confused.

"We need eyes in that area." Gibbs said turning the elevator back into motion. "Pack your bags. You leave tonight."

Tony and Ziva went back in the bull-pen and grabbed there Sigs and Badges. Then they returned to the elevator.

"What are you thinking about, Tony?" Ziva asked not turning around.

"Nothin," He answered.


Her eyes sparkled with sorrow in the hotel room that they had to stay in. She layed down next to him in the bed.

"Ziva," Whispered Tony rolling to his side to look at Ziva. "We will find him."

She weekly smiled. Not a happy smile but a 'thank you' or a 'I know' smile.

He reached over and pulled her close. Their lips met and that was the start of their eventful evening.


"Sure..." She said knowing what he was thinking about. "Anyway," she sighed walking out of the elevator.

She got in her mini and sped away to her apartment. Her mind was going a mile a minute. She control her thoughts that wondered to Tony, the mission, and most importantly, why? She grabbed a bag and fulled it with clothes and the essentials.

Tony made record tim to his apartment. He kept thinking about paris. Then his mind went to the first time he had seen Zi and then when he found out that she was part of the team.

The team was crushed when Ari snipped Kate. Ziva helped with the pain of loosing someone that you were close to. She had first hand experience.

He missed her when she was in Somalia and he got her back.

His mind was racing his hands. He was packing so fast that he didnt care what.

When they were finished they made their way back to NCIS for the mission details.

"Hey," Tony said trying to ketch the elevator.

"Hey Tony." Ziva greeted. She smiled at him.

"Do you know anything about the mission?" He asked hitting the 3ed floor button.

"No," she answered slightly weary.

"Whats wrong Zi?" Tony asked sensing her weariness.

"I don't know Tony. Something doesnt feel right." She confessed.

"Yea. I have the same feeling." He said as the doors opened.

"Ziver, DiNozzo, MTAC." Ordered Gibbs coffee in hand.

"On your 6 boss!" Tony called jogging up the stairs with Ziva.

When they arrived in MTAC, a picture of a man was on the screne. Abby, McGee and leon were also in there.

"Whats the Mission boss?" Tony asked.

"This is Max Renu. He is wanted for terrorism and 3 murders. Of Navel officers." Abby explained.

"He has many aliases." McGee explained. "His most common is Maxx Gusta. Umm... Maxx with two X's."

"Okey so we do what?" Ziva asked.

"We need you to get close to him and his wife. His wife's name is Sarah. Sarah Renu." Director Vance said.

"Close? How?" Tonys dirty little mind was taking over. "Like..."

"TONY!" Ziva cut him off. "Close as friends. Not Lovers." Ziva playfully snapped.

"Sorry." He whimpered.

"Anyway, Ziva, Tony, we are using Tonys alias, Tony and Ziva DiNardo." McGee explained.

"Okey." Tony said. Ziva nodded.

"How long are we under cover for?" She asked.

"As long as it takes Ziver." Gibbs said.

"Theres a car out front." Leon said. "Good luck."

"Luck are for the unprepared." Ziva said.

"I rather have it than not." Vance said.

"Ready?" Tony asked his new wife.

"Yes my little hairy butt." She said. She smiled remembering the first undercover... Or under the covers... Mission.

"Great sweet cheeks!" Laughed tony as the walked into the elevator.

"Its right outside of DC, right? In a town?" Ziva asked when they slumped in the car. Tony through his bag in the backseat next to Zivas.

"Yea, i think so. You do the directions since your NOT driving." Tony said handing her the GPS.

"Fine. Just remember," she leaned and whispered in his ear. "I know where you sleep."

That ran shivers down his spine. He gulped. "Okey." He gasped.

"Well, what are we waiting for Tony?" Ziva giggled.

"And were off!" Tony said like he was in a drag race.

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