New Baby pt. 3

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This story was also inspired by a comment from GinaVitulano. Thank you.

3 weeks later

Tony was getting out of bed to get to work but he was worried. The due date was in a few days and Ziva is staying home alone.

She was snoring away in her peaceful sleep. She hasn't slept well in the past few nights so Tony was very careful not to wake her.

He got ready and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I'm going to work. Call me if you need me." He whispered.

Her eyes fluttered open. "Tony, please. Don't go." She begged.

He sat on the end of the be and held her hand. "I'm just a phone call away babe. So is the rest of the team." He said.

She smiled. Her right hand rubbing the big baby bump. Tonys hand reached over and stroked Zivas cheek. He then leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips.

"I will let you go if you promise me something." She said.

"What darling?" He said looking into her eyes.

"Don't ever leave me. Don't be taken away from me." She said slowly.

"I promise, my love." He said. He then kissed her forehead and left to go to work.

Ziva woke up around 0900. (9:00 AM). She was very hungry. She rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. And looked in the mirror. She saw the faint dark circles under her eyes but didn't care.

"What do you want baby?" She asked rubbing the baby bump. " about... Eggs."

She cooked a few eggs and sat down in the living room to watch some TV. As she was flipping through the channels when she heard her phone. She stood up slowly and walked over to the counter where it was being charged.

"Hello?" She said when she picked it up.

"Ziva! We don't have a case today so the team doesn't need me. Tony said that you were lonely and thought you wanted some company. Can I come over?" Abby asked.

"Sure, Abby! I would love someone to talk to. Well someone who can answer me back!" She joked.

"Yay!" Abby cheered. "I will be there in 10."

"Okey Abby. See you then." Ziva said before hanging up and sitting back on the couch. She was so tempted to text Tony but she knew that Gibbs would get mad.

Abby arrived 10 minutes later with a soft knock. "It's open Abby!" Ziva yelled not wanting to get up.

Abby walked in and sat next to Ziva on the couch.

"Yay! Girl time!" She said lightly hugging Ziva.

"What's new?" Ziva breathed changing position.

"Nothing really. McGee and I are together again, and I think Gibbs and director are together. But you didn't hear it from me." Abby gossiped.

They talked for an hour before Ziva had a sharp pain.

"Ahh!" She winced when it happened.

"ZIVA!!" Abby yelled. "Are you okey?"

"I don't know Abby. I think I'm going into labor." Ziva said. "Hand me my phone."

"Here." Abby knew who she was going to call so she speed dials the number.

"Tony!" She breathed in sharply.

"Ziva are you okey?" Tony panicked.

"Tony. I'm going into labor." She said.

"Go to the hospital with Abby. I will met you there." Ziva could hear him grabbing his stuff.

"Okey Tony." She said hanging up. "Let's go Abby. Can you drive me?"

"Of course lets go!" She said helping Ziva up and leading her out of the apartment.

Abby and Ziva arrived at the hospital first. Minutes later, Tony, Gibbs and McGee arrived. Tony rushed into the room with Ziva.

After 8 hours of labor, Ziva and Tony saw there first child.

"It's a girl." Tony whispered. The nurse handed Ziva her new baby girl. "She's beautiful. Just like her mother."

Gibbs, Abby and McGee slowly entered the room. "What is it?" McGee asked.

"It's a girl." Ziva horsey whispered. She was covered in sweat but they didn't care. "Here."

Ziva handed the baby to Tony. He looked in his baby's eyes and saw her mothers. "She has her mothers eyes."

"Can I hold her?" Abby asked.

"Sure!" Tony said. Abby walked over to Tony and slowly took the baby from him.

"She's beautiful Ziva. Just like her mother." Gibbs said. "What's her name?"

"We picked Maddie." Ziva said looking at Tony.

"Maddline Kelly DiNozzo." Tony said.

Gibbs looked up. He was shocked. Out of every middle name that they could pick, they named her after his daughter. A tear rolled down his cheek.

"Here Ziva." Abby said handing Ziva Maddie.

"Abby and McGee. We have to ask you all a question."Tony said then looked at Ziva.

"Would you three be Maddie's godparents?" She whispered.

"Yes!" Abby said softly.

"Sure." McGee said walking over to Abby.

"Gibbs. Will you be the grandfather?" Ziva asked.

"Yes Ziver. I will be glad too." Gibbs said.

They soon left the room to leave the proud new parents with Maddie.

"I have something to tell you Zi." Tony said. Maddie's hand was rapped around his finger.

"We have bought are first house!" He whispered in her ear.

"Really!" You got it! I thought we were giving up because of that rich couple?" She said. Her face lot up.

"Nope. We got it!" Tony said kissing Zivas forehead. "I love you and I will never leave you."

She looked up with tears in her eyes. "I love you to Tony." She reached up and pulled Tony in for a slow long kiss.

Thank you for reading!

I need more ideas!

Please help.

I feel like no one likes my stories. If you like them and want them to continue please comment.

Thank you guys! Love you

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