For the Kid pt. 2

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Tony patted his daughters head one last time before he headed to the elevator.

When he entered the squad room it was dead quiet. Weird.

"Any news?" Tony asked.

"Nope. Other than this video." McGee stated pulling up the park video.

The video showed a burnet chick jogging on the sidewalk when a white Plumbers van pulls up in front of her. She slows down and lays her hand on her hip. Where her sig would normally be. As she approached the van the passenger and driver exited and opened the back, releasing another man with a sig. He walks up to her, she struggles and gets whacked on the side of her head. Though she is still conscious, she is woozy and unstable on her feet as the men drag her into the van.

"Oh my God." Tony said stunned from the video of his fiancé.

"Jethro, i have the autopsy..." Ducky paused from the looks of the three men. "Ziva." He guessed.

"She has been kidnapped. No connection to the far." Gibbs explained.

"Oh...sorry Anthony. Hows Madeline?" Ducky asked.

"Fine. I hope. Shes with Abby." Tony said. Just then he got a phone call.

"This is Anthony DiNozzo." He answered.

"Bring one million dollars to National park at 0900 on Friday. And we will not harm Mis. David anymore." A deep, raspy voice barked then hung up.

"McGee track that call." Ordered Tony. "The captors called. One million. Two days." Tony said.

"Go home. With Maddie. We cannot risk it. We will call you with any leads." Gibbs said.

Tony looked at him sympathetically. "Gibbs,"

"No. Maddie needs you. Go home." He said.

"Burn phone. No trace." McGee shyly said.

"McGee you with me we are going to the park." Gibbs glared at Tony.

"Okey Boss." Tony frowned, grabbed his coat and headed for Abbys lab.

"Abby," Tony said as he walked into the lab.

"Shhhhhhh!!!!" Snapped Abby. "She just fell asleep!"

"Oops." Tony said. Abby walked from her lab table into her office, Tony following.

In the small crib that they had set up laid a peaceful, scare less Maddie.

He softly picked her up and laied her head on his shoulder.

She started to stir. "Shh baby, its okey." Tony whispered rubbing her back. He flicked a shinny, brown curly lock of hair out of his face.

"Thank you." He mouthed as he walked out of the lab.

When they were in the elevator Maddie woke up. "Ima?" She asked looking around.

"Ima is not here." Tony said. Maddie squirmed to get down.

"Where is mommy?" She asked holding her fathers hand.

"Shes..."he paused "On a trip." He lied.

She looked up at him. Her deep brown eyes looked up at him. Definitely Zivas Child.

"I want mommy." She said softly.

"I know. Me to." He said when the doors opened on the bottom floor.

There will be one more Chapter to this Story.


i am thinking about writing a book about one of the stories in this book.


i am leaning toward this one or another IDK.

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