The Safe House

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"Tony!" Ziva giggled as Tony cased her around the house! "Stop!"

"Why? This is fun!" he said as he reached her and scooped her in his arms.

"Fine! I guess your right! We have been in this safe house for a month with out any other human contact!" She said as Tony carried her to the couch.

"Your so beautiful. Do you know that?" He said.

"But your so handsome in the jeans and t-shirt too!" She countered.

Tony set her down on the couch and sat next to her head. "You wanna watch a movie?"

"No Tony I have something better!" She said sitting up."

"What?"he asked.

"This." she whispered before leaning in for a kiss. His hands slowly raped around her waist and pulled her in closer for more.

They only parted for air. With the dusk light that peaked through the curtains, Zivas eyes glittered even more.

"Zi," whispered Tony centimeters from her lips.

"Yes Tony?" She said looking into his green eyes.

"You are the most perfect, beautiful, stunning, women I have ever lade my eyes on." He whispered before leaning in for another kiss.

"Tony," she breathed braking the kiss. "I have been through a lot...we have been through a lot. But when I go to work and see you every day, I..." Ziva said before Tony cut her off.

"I know sweet cheeks." He said smiling at the nickname he had given her the first time they went undercover. Or really the first time they went 'under the covers'.

"My little Harry butt!" She giggled as she dove in for another long slow kiss. 'I can imagine doing nothing but what I'm doing, laying 'round tangled up with you.' She thought.

And hour later Ziva was fast asleep on Tonys chest. Tony was watching the end of a movie. Ziva started to stir.

"Rise and shine!" Joked Tony.

"Shut up Tony." She said sleepily. "What time is is Tony?"

"It's around 9." He answered kissing her forehead

"Have you heard from Gibbs?" She asked.

"No."he answered.

"We'll have to pass the time then!" She giggled. She tried to stand up but Tony stopped her.

"What do u mean?" He asked playfully.

"If you let me go you may find out Tony." She said. He let her go and she walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" He whispered into her hair. He

Put his hands on her hips.

"Well I was going to cook but..." She whispered as he turned around to face Tony.

"But what?" He whispered between kisses going down her neck.

"I have a better idea!" She said looking into his eyes again.

"Me too." He whispered before his lips reached hers. Tony couldn't help himself so he pushed Ziva up to the wall. The kiss became more passionate and neither of them could get enough of each other.

When they broke for air, Ziva whispered, "I love you tony."

"I love you to Zi."he whispered back.

Thanks for reading!! I like righting loon ones if you want them shorter or you have a suggestion, please comment!! I love you all!!! This wouldn't be possible without you guys! Please comment!!

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