For The Kid pt 3

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Tony stayed at his apartment the rest of the the day, and the day after.

"Daddy!!!" Maddie cried. She has never been away from her mother for this long without any contact.

"Shhh! Its okey! Ima's coming home today!" Tony hoped.

He walked over to her. She was tall for her age but was still so small and helpless. He knelled down and she walked up between his knees.

"Are we going to NCUS today Daddy?" Maddie asked tilting her head, her long golden brown curly locks bounced on her mini shoulders. Her deep little brown eyes looked into her fathers soul just like her mothers.

Tony laughed. "Its NCIS Maddie. And yes."

"Yay! Abby told me that she will teachhhhh me abouut..." She paused putting her small finger on her chin, her thinking face. "Finger pint analliss.."

Tony laughed again scooping her up as he walked to Zivas and his bedroom ans lightly tossed his daughter on the king sized bed.

She laughed as she fell on her back on the soft blankets.

Tony opened the safe where he and Ziva kept their weapons ever since Maddie was born. He put his sig in the holster that hung from his belt.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yuppy!! Maddie laughed.


After dropping Maddie off with Abby, and telling Abby that Maddie was not aloud to turn Green, he made his way to the bullpen.

"Okey. We have the drop off sight and time. We have undercover agents already in place." McGee said.

"Okey. Gear Up! Lets go get our girl." Gibbs said. He was very lade back.


"Okey. So this briefcase filled with what exactly?" Tony asked.

"Umm... That's classified." McGee said.

"Its not real... Right?" Tony said.

"No," McGee said typing away on her computer.

"Okey. Are we ready?" Tony asked in the hidden ear wig.

"Yea." Gibbs said at the old chess tables.

"Okey lets go." Tony said opening the drivers side door and stepping out.

He walked slowly and carefully over to the designated bench and sat down on the edge.

After a good 15 minutes of endless waiting, a man in a black suit cane and sat on the same bench.

"Anthony DiNozzo?" He asked not looking at Tony.

"Yes." Tony responded. "Where is she."

"You will see once we see the money." The man said.

"Open the case." McGee whispered through the ear wig.

Tony opened the case slightly and showed the man what was inside.

"Good." The man said. "Give me the case and we will call you with an address."

"No. That was not the plan. You of not get this case until i see her" tony said now getting agitated.

"Follow me then." The man said standing up and walking toward a white plumbers van.

"Once we get visual move in." Gibbs said. His old raspy voice echoed through Tonys ear.

The man walked to the back of the van and swung the two doors open.

A man jumped out behind a women in a dirty pair of sweats. He pulled a gun and looked up at him.

"Maxwell kenidough." Toby breathed. He was the serial killer that the team has been looking for. So far he had stayed off the radar for 4 years. Until now.

"GO! GO! GO!" Gibbs yelled through the ear piece.

"Let the girl go." Tony said pointing his gun at him.

"Drop the gun and set the case on the ground." Ordered Max.

"NO!!" Ziva tiredly yelled.

Tony ignored her and set the gun on the ground. He also put the case down next to it.

Befire anyone could react, gibbs and McGee took a shot and one killed the man in the nice suit and the other, inches from Zivas throat, shot Maxwell through his chest.

They both fell to the ground. Dead.

"TONY!" Ziva yelped as she fell with Maxwell.

"Ziva!" Tony rushed to her. He scooped her up and kissed her sweet, soft lips.

"Tony," she moaned. "I missed you."

He softly put her down on her feet. She was week but was able to stand.

"You really outdid yourself this time." Ziva said.

"Oh! Well this time i was doing it for two of us." Tony said. "This was for the kid."

Luv you all hope you like it. Any ideas are greatly Appreciated!!!
Please comment with your thoughts about this plot. I am thinking about writing a full out story! Idk if no one likes it then i will not do it but yea...

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