New Baby pt.2

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8 months later

"Hey Zi!" Called Tony from his living room. In the past 8 months Ziva moved into Tonys apartment and now they are looking for a house. Ziva had been staying at the apartment for a week and she is getting moody.

"What Tony?!" I was making chicken." She said waddling toward him. "Don't even smirk."

"Look at this house! It's a 4 bedroom, 2 bath with a huge yard." Tony said pulling up the enlarged picture.

"Wow, Tony it's beautiful. Where is it?" She asked flopping down in the couch.

"Umm... Wow... 5 miles from Gibbs place." Answered Tony.

"Thanks nice." She said ribbing her hand over his cheek. "We do need a house for where the baby can run around in."

"Yes, Zi." He whispered turning and lifting her left hand off her lap. A diamond ring shone in the light. " I love you."

"I love you too Tony." She whispered. She leaned in and their lips met. They pulled away a few minutes later for air.

"You wanna go and look at at it sweet cheeks?" He asked.

"Sure!" She said. "I want my chicken now. Can I go and finish making it?"

"Yes, babe." He replied. "Do you wanna visit work tomorrow?" Tony asked following Ziva to the kitchen.

"Yes!" She said."I've been here for a week and I can't do anything!" She said happily.

"Great!" He rejoiced. "Can I have some?"

"Sure. Here." She handed him a small plate with chicken and corn.

"What? No mashed potatoes?" He playfully complained.

She glared at him. "I'm eating for two." Her plate was full of chicken, corn and mashed potatoes.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He backed off and sat at the small table. Ziva followed him.

"Since we don't know of its a boy or a girl, which would you prefer?" Ziva asked beteen mouthfuls.

"I just want a heathy baby." He whispered grabbing her left hand.

"Me too," she answered.

The next day was Monday and Ziva was

going to go and visit NCIS.

Tony was laying on his back wondering if he should wake her up. "Zi." He whispered rubbing her arm.

"Huh?" She said sleepily.

"Time to get up." He whispered again.

"Mmm k." She yawned.

He said up and planted a kiss on her lips. "Ready now?"

"Yes Tony." She answered. He claimed out of bed and sat on the edge. "Tony? Can you help me?"

"Sure baby." He answered standing up and rushing to her side. He helped her sit up and sat beside her.

"I love you." She said leaning her head on his shoulder.

He layed a hand on her stomach. "I love you and are baby."

When they arrived at NCIS Tony led Ziva out of the elevator.

"ZIVA!!!" Screamed Abby running over to the waddling Ziva.

"Abby!" Siva said as Abby lightly hugged her.

"Do you know?!?" Abby asked as Ziva walked to her desk and sat down.

"No Abby. We want to be surprised." Ziva answered.

"How are you doing Ziva?" Asked McGee.

"Not bad. I guess." She answered.

"Gear up. Dead..." Gibbs paused seeing Ziva. "Ziva! Hey! How's the baby?"

"Good. And don't worry I'm here to visit." She said smiling.

"Anyway, gear up! Dead navel officer in Norfolk."Gibbs ordered.

"Come on Ziva! You can come down in the lab with me!" Abby said. Ziva slowly stood up and followed her to the elevator.

This story was also inspired by a comment from GinaVitulano. The last part of this story will be up soon. New baby pt.3

Please comment! It will mean a lot. If you have any ideas please tell me!!

Love you guys!!

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