New Baby

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Hey everyone! Thank you for reading still!! This story was also inspired by a comment from GinaVitulano.

Ziva stood at Tonys door. She knocked slowly. Please answer. She thought.

"Who is it?" Yelled Tony.

"Me," she Answered.

"Zi?! What's wrong! What happened? Your face is bloodshot!" Tony said as he opened the door. He led her inside and set her on the couch.

"Nothing's wrong... Tony... Apartment...above me flooded..." She said slowly.

"Why are you so red? Ziva? What happened?"

"Cold. I guess. Nothing's wrong Tony. We had a long day." She answered. He reached behind her and grabbed a blanket. He through it over Ziva and put his hand around her.

"Your soaked Zi, here come with me." Instructed Tony he stood up and Ziva followed. "Here put this on." He handed her a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers.

"Thanks." She said taking the clothes. She walked to the bathroom and changed clothes.

She came back out and sat next to Tony. He put the blanket over her. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked her.

"Sure."she answered putting her head on his shoulder.

"How about Body Heat?" He asked.

"Sure." She answered really not caring what movie it was.

Half way through the movie Ziva was fast asleep on Tonys shoulder.

He scooped her up and carried her bridle style and layed her on his new king sized bed.

"Stay." She whispered grabbing his wrist.

"Okey Zi." He said. "I am just going to turn off the TV."

Ziva watched him leave and waited for him to come back. "Tony?" She whispered when he came back.

"Yea Ziva?" He answered crawling into the bed with her.

"Thank you." She said.

"For what?" He asked confused. He sat up and looked down at her. She sat up too.

"For not turning me down when I just come crawling up to your doorstep. Not just leaving me out in the snow." She said looking at him.

"Zi it's cold. Leaving me out in the cold. But I would never turn you down." He hesitated then stopped what he was going to say. Ziva saw this.

"What Tony?" She asked softly being careful not to pick at a stab.

"I love you." He whispered. "I have ever since the first time I saw you." He confessed.

"I love you too, Tony." She said.

They leaned in and there lips met. After a few minutes, clothes fell to the floor.

The next morning was Saturday so Tony and Ziva could sleep in.

Ziva woke up naked in Tonys bed with is his arms rapped around her.

"Good morning sweet checks." Tony said. "Sleep well?"

"Good morning my little hairy Butt!" She giggled "and yes, I slept very well."

Tony smiled. He hadn't heard that giggle from her in a very long time. Before her father died. Before Somalia.

"Tony?" She asked turning over to face him.

"Yes babe?" He mumbled kissing her neck.

"Do you really love me?" She asked.

"Yes Ziva. I love you very much." He answered.

A week later, Ziva was back at her dry apartment and wasn't feeling to well.

She thought that she was coming down with something but then she remembered the week before. She rushed to the drug store and bought a pregnancy test. She knew she was when the test showed positive.

The next day was Sunday and she made her way to Tonys apartment.

"Tony!" She called while she knocked.

"Come on in Zi!" He called through the door.

"Tony we gotta talk." She said.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked as he walked over to her.

"Remember... Last week?" She asked.

"Yea! How could I forget!" He said he smiled.

"Tony... I'm pregnant." She said slowly. Ziva hung her head and waited for the scolding.

"Ziva! That's great! Who's the father?" He said grabbing her hand.

"Your not mad?" She asked softly.

"Why would I be mad? I love you Zi and I love your baby." He said.

"Your the father, Tony." She said strongly.

"Ziva were having a baby!! We gotta tell Gibbs. When's your doctors appointment? You could move in here!" Tony babbled. He was so happy.

"Slow down. I have a doctors appointment next week. Let's see what Gibbs says. But before we do I want you to know that whatever he says I love you and we are keeping the baby." Ziva said. She stood up and walked over to Tony.

"We will be alright. I love you and are baby." He put a hand on Zivas stomach and rubbed it.

"I know Tony. I love you." She said. She leaned in and smashed their lips together. Tony pushed Ziva up against a wall and only stopped to take a breath.

"Gibbs can we talk to you?" Asked Tony.

"Sure."Gibbs said following Ziva and Tony.

When they walked in the elevator, they waited a few seconds before Gibbs flipped the switch to stop it.

"What do you two want?" Asked Gibbs taking a sip of his coffee.

"Umm... Well Gibbs" Ziva started. Tony saw how nervous she was.

"Ziva and I have been seeing each other for a week now." Tony said calmly but sternly.

"YOUR WHAT!!!" Gibbs shrieked.

"And I'm pregnant." Ziva said calmly.

"YOUR WHAT!?!" He shrieked again.

"Gibbs. Please calm down." Tony said. Ziva backed up and heart speed up. Anger fumed in her.

"Why aren't you happy for me?! This is the first time in my life I have been happy. Really happy. Your like the father I never had and when I come to you... You...UGH!" She yelled she flipped the switch and pushed Gibbs out of the way when the doors opened again at the bull pen.

"Ziva!" Gibbs yelled. He turned and glared at Tony who ignored the glare and followed Ziva.

Ziva stormed into the lady's room. And stood in front of the mirror. He checked and saw that nobody was in the bathroom.

A tear ran down her face. She knew he wouldn't take it good but she didn't think he would take it that bad.

"Zi?" Tony said opening the door.

"What Tony?" She said whipping away the tear. "Ziva it's okey."

"No it's not. Gibbs is angry." She said.

She left the room and sat at her desk.

"David. I need to talk to you." Gibbs said.

Zivas heart skipped a beat.and not in a good way. They walked to the elevator and he stopped it.

"What?" She snapped.

"Ziva. I'm sorry I snapped," Gibbs said.

She glared at him. "There is nothing you can do to keep me and Tony apart. We are having this baby."

"I know. I'm sorry. I Shouldn't have yelled like that, Ziver." He kissed her forehead. "I'm behind you on this."

"Thank you Gibbs." She smiled.

Sorry for the long one... I kinda got carried away. I love you all!! Thank you


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