The Kissing Fight

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Okey this story might be a little cheesy. So...sorry... And BTW I'm horrible at titles.

"Wow." Tony said when Ziva opened to door to her tiny apartment.

"Come in, Tony." She said opening the door a little wider.

"You look...beautiful Ziva." Tony said eyeing Ziva. She was wearing a short, tight dress. The dress was sky blue which ended in a deep blue at the bottom. She had silver high heels with blue rhinestones.

"Thank you Tony. You don't look half bad either!"she joked. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed her bag. "Let me just check my hair one more time."

She walked into her bathroom and looked in the mirror. Her hair was down and flowing around her shoulders. She didn't usually wear makeup but tonight she put on blue eye shadow.

"Ready Zee-va?" Tony asked from her living room.

"Yes Tony."she answered.

Tony took her to a fancy expensive restaurant called Filomena Ristorante. "Wow Tony!" Ziva praised.

"It's my favorite restaurant, not only because it's Italian, because your here with me." He said grabbing Zivas hand.

Ziva and Tony had a wonderful dinner.

Ziva had Insalata Alla Cesare. Which is Cesare Salad with lots of fresh grated Parmigiana Cheese & Homemade Croutons.

Tony had Rigatoni Con Pollo E Vodka. Which is Creamy Vodka Tomato Sauce is made with flavorful Shiitake Mushrooms and topped with Grilled Chicken Breast over Rigatoni Pasta.

Two hours later, Tony paid the bill and they left.

"That was the best dinner I have had in a long time Tony. Thank you." She said.

"Anything for you Zee-va!" He said helping her into his car.

She smiled. "No really Tony. I had a great time. Thank you."

He smiled back. "Anything for my sweet cheeks."

They chatted the whole way back to Zivas apartment.

"Come in Tony." She said.

"Okey." He said.

"Thank you Tony for the wonderful night." She said.

"Ziva. I will do anything for you. I love you." He said rubbing Zivas cheek.

"I love you to Tony." She said. Tony leaned in and there lip instantly ment. His arms rapped around her waist and her arms rapped around his neck. They took steps towed the couch and Ziva pushed him on top on the couch and she landed on top of him. They broke away for air.

"Ziva." He mumbled between kisses. "I love you."

After a long, deep, kiss. "I love you too Tony." She mumbled.

They soon broke apart again and sat up. "Stay here Tony. It's Friday. No work tomorrow." She whispered while he kissed her neck. "Yes."

He rapped his arms around her and carried her to the bedroom. He layed her down and laid I top of her.

About 20 minutes later Ziva flipped him over and laid on top of him. "I like it on top my little hairy butt." She paused. That is not your knee!" She giggled.

"Nope!" He gulped. "Oww!"

"Love you Tony I really do." She said.

"I love you too Ziva." Tony said. He was

About to kiss her again before his phone went off. "God no. It's gibbs."

"Hello?" He answered.

"Dead navel officer. Norfolk." Gibbs ordered. Pick up Ziva too. She didn't pick up."

Ziva laid her head on Tonys chest not wanting this to end.

"Okey boss." Tony said then hanging up.

"I heard him Tony." Ziva said sadly.

"Let's go." He breathed.

Thank you guys

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