Accepting Angels

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This story was inspired by a comment from GinaVitulano.

Gibbs and McGee were in Australia tracking a known terrorist who tried to bomb 3 navy ships.

Tony and Ziva were in MTAC alone. MTAC was shut down because of how sensitive the case is.

"Target in sight. Taking a shot." Gibbs said. His voice rang through the speakers and the button can that was on his on his shirt showed the terrorist.

Before he could take the shot the man turned around and shots rang off.

"Gibbs!"yelled Ziva and Tony. The screen turned to static and Ziva almost panicked.

"Gibbs?! Status!McGee!" She yelled.

"We're good Ziver. Go home the target is dead." Gibbs said.

Ziva walked over to the control panel and shut off the connection.

"Good job Zi." Praised Tony. "If it wasn't for your contact, we would have never found that terrorist."

"Well, Tony. It was a team effort." She said typing in the computer.

"How about we celebrate?" He whispered into her hair. He lade his hand on her hips.

"What do you have in mind, Tony?" She asked turning around slowly.

"I have an idea Ziva." He whispered.

"Okey then tell me Tony." She said as she went and sat down on the first row of black chairs.

He walked over to her and sat in the chair next to her. He looked at her and ran his hand over her cheek.

"Tony. I.." She was cut off by Tony leaning In and laid his lips on hers. She immediately kissed him back and ran her fingers through his short hair. The kiss became more passionate. They kissed for 3 minutes before they pulled back for air.

"I really love you Zi." He mumbled between kisses.

"I love you too Tony." She whispered.

Tony rapped his arms around her and lifted her over the armrest and lade her on his lap not breaking the kiss.

"It's 0100 Ziva u wanna come to my place." He asked breaking for air.

"Umm... No Tony. I'm fine right here." she whispered.

"Okey sweet cheeks." He muttered kissing her again.

Sorry for the short story! I have one more coming up then I will need more ideas! Please comment!

Next story will be called "New Baby."

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