First day back

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Tony woke up to Maddie crying. He looked at ziva who was curled up next to him fast asleep. He carefully got up and walked into the babys room, bypassing all the boxes that they haven't unpacked yet.

"Shh, Maddie," tony whispered picking her up. She imeditly stoped crying and started to giggle. Tony carried her into the kitchen and set the 2 month old baby in her seat.

He started making her formula and humming a song. Maddie was giggling along.

"Your a great father, Tony." Ziva said leaning on the doorframe.

She startled Tony. But he smiled at her.

"Its 0600. Why are you up?" He asked carrying the bottle over to Maddie.

"Im going jogging. Its my first day back remember? But just desk duty until Maddie is 5 months. Abby and i are going to take turns watching her." Explained Ziva.

"Okey. Enjoy your jog, Zi." Tony said lifting Maddie out of her seat and carried her over to the couch.

"Hold on!" Tony laughed as Maddie reached for the bottle. He sat down and turned on the TV.

Maddie glared at him with her big chocolate brown eyes. "You definitely are gunna be just like your mommy." Tony said giving her the bottle.

Ziva entered the house at 0700. "Im gunna take a shower. Okay Tony?" She said hanging her jacket on the hook next to the door. When she didn't get an answer she looked on the couch.

Tony was fast asleep on the couch with Maddie playing with his hair. Ziva reached down and took Maddie out of his arms. Tony didn't even stir.

"Here you go Maddie." She said setting her down in her swing.

Tony was still asleep so Ziva sat down next to him and planted a kiss on his lips. He Immediately awoke and kissed her back. They broke when Maddie started to giggle uncontrollably.

"She has your personality." Ziva whispered leaning her forehead on his. "Im going to go and take a shower."

"Okey love," he said kissing her again.

When Ziva finished her shower, she started to get Maddies bag ready.

"Diapers, bottles, toys," she whispered in Maddie's Bedroom. She was so focused on Maddie who had a ring in her mouth that she didn't notice that Tony had walked into the room.

He laid his hands on her hips. "Almost ready, Sweet cheeks?" He whispered in her hair.

"Yes tony. Here." She said handing him Maddie's Bag. She reached down and picked up Maddie and laid her in her carseat.

They entered the squad room with Abby running up to Ziva. Ziva handed Abby the carseat with a giggling Maddie in it.

"Nice to have you back Ziver."Gibbs said hugging her. Abby set the carseat on zivas desk and took out Maddie.

"Shes getting so big!" McGee said looking over Abbys shoulder at Maddie.

"Its great to be back! I was so board at home!" Ziva exclaimed walking past Abby and sitting at her desk.

"When can I go back in the field?" She asked.

"You can now. Maddie can stay with the director and Abby." Gibbs explained. Abby handed Maddie to Gibbs.

Maddie giggled at Gibbs and played with his shirt collar. He smiled remembering Kelly.

Ziva walked around his desk and took Maddie when Gibbs got a phone call.

"Dead marine in Norfolk. Gear up!" He ordered. Ziva put Maddie in her seat and handed it to abby. Tony handed the bag to Abby also.

"Okey Maddie. Im gunna teach you how to distract DNA!!!" Abby said.

"Abby?" Tony said.

"Yes Tony?" She said not looking away from Maddie.

"I want my kid not purple when i get back okey?" Tony joked following his boss.

"Okey tony!" She waved at Tony. "Daddys funny!"

"Its great to be back!" Ziva sighed as the elevators closed. "I am going to see my daughter again, right Mcgee?" Ziva joked.

Hey. NEED IDEAS. there Are no wrong ideas! Please!

I hope you like it! This was really fun to right. Even though there isnt that much Tiva in it, i still like it!




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