Heat Of The Moment

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"Heat of the moment hia." Team said as he put on his pant and shirt to leave Win alone in his room after having another round of tremendously amazing sex.

This is what has been happening ever since they met. Win looks back to the first time he heard those words.

They were all huddled up in the locker room, taking shower and getting ready to leave the campus. Some were planning on eating dinner outside, some were planning party while some just wanted to go home and relax, Win was one of them who just wanted to relax and sleep his night away.

Currently he's sitting and waiting for the shower space to free up a bit. There are many guys in there and he doesn't want to go and crowd the place even more than it already is. Beside him Team is doing something on his mobile while waiting to go in there as well.

'well, seems like he's gonna shower along with the junior today.' he smirked at the thought as butterflies blew up in his stomach. Yes, he isn't a teenager anymore but the thought of Team still makes him all fluttery, doesn't matter how much he tries to cover it up.

As soon as the shower space got empty, Team and Win entered the shower space only to realise that everyone else were actually done and were rushing to go wherever they had to.

Before leaving, Dean looked around and noticed Win eyeing Team up and down. He coughed to attract Win's attention before speaking "Close up everything after you're done."

Win gestured by raising his eyebrows that he got it and Dean left shaking his head because he knew the boy was gonna make some sort of move on the younger one.

After he left, Win turned on the shower as he started soaping himself. They were both very naked and Win couldn't handle himself from getting hard because just the sight of Team's bare member and butt was enough for him to feel the heat down there. Team, the most oblivious guy ever was too busy washing himself to notice Win's hard member until he felt someone pressing behind him.

He froze as soon as he felt Win's hand on his upper arm and his breath fanning over his neck. Win leaned down and whispered "You're so beautiful Team."  before giving a small peck on Team's neck.

Team, unknowingly let out a moan "ohh!" at the sensation of Win's lips and the hard on pressing against his butt cheeks wasn't helping either.

Win smirked before moving his lips upward and bit Team's earlobe. That was it for Team to get fully hard as he turned around and smashed his lips against Win's. This was their first kiss. First kiss, naked, soapy, wet and all hot.

They were touching each other everywhere and things were getting hotter and hotter when suddenly they heard someone enter the shower and Team pushed Win hard resulting in Win to crash against the wall. Win groaned only to find a very petrified Dean looking at them.

"I-I just came in to say to Win that Professor Oaf is looking for you. He ne-needs you to submit some sort of documents. Okay I'll go now." Dean babbled and left.

'Ai'Sat!" Win had officially broken his friendship with Dean. No more besties because Shiaaa! he was soo close to Team and- Team-

He looked up hurriedly to find a very red and embarrassed Team looking at the ground. How did he manage to look so cute and hot even at this time?

Team still hasn't left so maybe they can continue whatever was interrupted by his evil best friend. Win moved forward to hold him again but Team already had a hand infront of him gesturing on Win to stop.

"It was...just heat of the moment hia." He said and left the shower.

Win sighed before slumping against the wall.

WinTeam Oneshots ♡ {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now