Everything happens for a reason!

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"Team? Aye Team. Are you there?" Pharm yelled infront of Team's face snapping his fingers to bring him out of his wherever he was lost.

"Uh yeah yeah. What are we talking about again? Sorry I dazed out." Team apologized regaining his senses.

"It's been happening a lot." Manaow pointed out.

"What's been happening a lot?" Team raised his eyebrows.

"You getting lost in that tiny head of yours." Manaow smirked before continuing "Who are you thinking about Team?"

Pharm laughed and nodded.

Team pouted "Ha? No one! I was just thinking about..." Team tried to think of an excuse and ended up saying "about Lays."

After being satisfied with himself, he smiled and continued "Yeah yeah! I was thinking about Lays, I was wondering when they'll make new flavours."

Manaow and Pharm, who were not buying this excuse at all, let it slide.

"Why does it matter? You always eat the original yellow one." Pharm spoke rolling his eyes before continuing his homework.

Here Team was lost in his head because of a little sneak peak of certain blonde he saw today.
Even though he woke up in the blondie's arms, still, he felt empty because Win left as soon as he woke up. They didn't even have breakfast together.

And to make things worse, he witnessed something later that made his stomach churn.

Flashback -

After finishing his breakfast alone at his dorm, he left for the university in his car. It felt weird not having Win by his side. It's been happening for the past three days, Win has been leaving early for his classes.

And even though he knows that it shouldn't affect him as much because why should it? It's not like they're boyfriends or whatever. He doesn't even have feelings for the tattooed guy, even though he knows that the Win likes him. He has admitted it himself.

But...now, Team doubts whether Win was really saying the truth or was just trying to flatter him to get him into bed.

He reached the university and went to the student lounge to find his friends, Manaow and Pharm. His class started in half an hour and his two tiny besties were no where to be found so he decided to sit and eat lays that he sneaked inside his bag while Win was not looking.

He sat and started munching his chips when he saw the sight infront of him that widened his eyes.

The older guy who causes his heart to beat faster, was sitting with a girl, his hands on her shoulder. They were laughing at something. The girl looking clearly interested in Win. And when it was totally normal because Win was everyone's favourite senior but in a way the sight made Team really uncomfortable.

It felt as if somebody was squeezing his heart. He rolled his fingers tightly in a fist and looked down, not wanting to see more of the scene.

So this is why, Team thought. This is why he has been leaving me alone in the morning. To attend his so called classes.

Team felt betrayed. He knows he shouldn't because they never made any rules when they started sleeping together. Win is allowed to see anyone he wants to.

Then why does it hurt so much? Team thought.

It's because you love him dumb ass. Team sighed at his sudden thought and nodded to no one particular. Maybe I do, maybe I've fallen for my senior. The senior who once said he liked me back but now, well now I'm not so sure.

WinTeam Oneshots ♡ {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now